New Crazy GOP thread No. 2

The GOP pukes rant and rave about too many guns being sold in Arizona that ended up in Mexico. But, they oppose legislation that prevents buyers from coming in to a gun store in Arizona that sits 10 miles from the Mexican border and buying 20 AR-15 rifles at a single sitting, even when it has been well known for a decade or more that Mexican drug gangs have been using straw men to buy weapons in Arizona that are illegally transported to Mexico. Go figure.
joe bloe's Avatar

I'm fascinated. Just exactly, how does a straw man buy a gun? Are you talking about straw buyers? That would be more believable, but not as interesting!
He has a brain like you....made of straw. Do you really not know what a straw man purchase is when it comes to weapons? Tell me now you fucking genius.
joe bloe's Avatar
He has a brain like you....made of straw. Do you really not know what a straw man purchase is when it comes to weapons? Tell me now you fucking genius. Originally Posted by timpage
Of course I know what a STRAW BUYER is. It's STRAW BUYER not STRAW MAN. You obviously have no sense of humor. I even pointed out the play on words in my post and you still didn't get it!

You're dumber than a box of rocks. I guess that's why you're a liberal!
You're a, let's assume we're both talking about the same thing despite differences in nomenclature. And I would encourage you to research gun purchases and the use of the term "straw man" so maybe you don't look so stupid the next time you have the discussion. Back to the a response?
joe bloe's Avatar
I assume, from your comments, that you approve of the federal government selling guns to Mexican cartels with no way of tracking them. I assume you have no problem with the death of an American ICE agent. You liberals are morally bankrupt.

The cover up of Fast and Furious probably goes all the way to the White House, why else would Obama be using executive privilege? If Obama gets reelected, and he and Holder continue to obstruct justice in this case, it could get him impeached. This cover up is far more serious than the Watergate breakin. Of course, Nixon didn't have the main stream media to carry the water for him like Obama does.

The commonly used term is straw buyer, not straw man. Straw buyers are used in real estate fraud too, and no one calls them straw men.
At first I'd file this under "criminals are going to break laws." In some other thread there is an article of a Russian arms dealer who got 25 years.

My question is (I believe) project Gun runner was much better thought out and executed program. They had GPS systems in some guns and cooperation to some extent of the Mexican govt. But its my understanding that no straw buyers were prosecuted under the Bush administration. It was Holder that did try to prosecute some of them. There supposedly is at least one other gunwalking program out of AZ between GR and FnF. It would appear this is an instance of a govt agency not able to admit failure.

This reminds me of the ATF attack on the David Koresh compound where the locals said you could have come by Saturday when he was in town and arrested him without any hassle.