How much more do women pay for health insurance?

  • Laz
  • 06-29-2012, 08:24 AM
Premiums are based on claims experience. Women have higher health claims and pay more as a result. To eliminate that as a factor in setting premiums you are simply shifting some of that cost to men. That is fine if the people of the state want that but make sure you do it for all insurance products not just health insurance. Other insurance products often cost women less.
ObamacareTax is going to fuck consumers even more (on this issue). Going forward, under ObamacareTax, plans will be prohibited from pricing plans based on gender; meaning that Women, who are greater consumers of health services (visits, procedures, surgeries, drugs, etc), will pay less than men.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Women have an open wound that never heals.
when you remove market forces from a service or product you get a mess. thats why health care is messed up from the ab initio. cadillac health insurance plans have skewed everything. states that require plans to cover all manner of things only serve to further wreck havoc in health care and the budget and affordability.

one of my sons, a single young man, lived in california. he purchased a health insurance plan there. his plan had to cover psychological disorders, pregnancy coverage and other never to be used coverages. i forget exactly what his premium was, in the $400 plus dollar a month range, but when he moved to texas, with the same carrier and the same "needed" coverage, it was $186 per month.

women use medical care much more than men and place a greater burden on the system. insurance companies know that, hence the higher premiums.

i have a doctor friend, i remember him talking once, years ago. he said "when a man comes to see me (as opposed to a woman), i know hes feeling bad". it was his many years of experience that women, rightly or wrongly, go to the doctor much more and that many men only go when they have reached a certain point.

its only going to get worse.....

the solution is getting the service and the cost of the service connected at the consumer level
How right you are.............

its only going to get worse.....

the solution is getting the service and the cost of the service connected at the consumer level Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
anything that can bleed for a week and not die scares the shit out of me.