LMAO At Kavanaugh Crying Like A Bitch

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

First things first. I'm extremely proud of the Democratic Caucus. Diane Feinstein and the other Dems have restored my faith in the system. I'm proud of them. This is how you play hardball. Savage those Republicans. What an amazing legit hit job today. Well played Dems make em pay for what they did to Obama's pick. Make these bitches pay.

I'm dead laughing at this bitch ass trick who calls himself a judge with his fake ass crocodile tears. This guy threw a temper tantrum on the world stage and proved with his anger and belligerence that he is indeed capable of assault and sounded like a terrible liar. He tried to paint a picture that he was a virgin choir boy

Anger oozed from him and he melted down. He spent most of his time talking about beer, farting, and sex assault. This is downright hilarious for a supreme court nominee.

Videos soon to come.

Look at this jungle face scowl. No temperament for a SCOTUS.

Will you welcome him with open arms when he is confirmed tomorrow?
I hope you will throw all your hate out the window and celebrate the joyous occasion.
bambino's Avatar
The Dems will be crying for a long time.
The Dems will be crying for a long time. Originally Posted by bambino
They have been making America cry for a long time with their policies.
lustylad's Avatar
Let's see... when he doesn't get mad enough (e.g. last Monday's Fox interview) the dems say it shows he's guilty. When he does get mad, the dems say it shows he lacks a proper judicial temperament.

To paraphrase Mazie Hirono... it's time for the dim-retards in this country to just shut up!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
He may be crying but guess what?

Someone will be smiling today....

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I will welcome him until he's impeached and removed from the bench for lying under oath.

If we win the house and Senate we will subpoena Mark Judge and Kavanaugh will be toast.

If we win... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
With the dog and pony circus they just put on...the chances are between slim and none and slim just left the building!!
The majority of the people see this for what it is...they made a poor strategic error and will pay for it in Nov.
Thanks for welcoming him with open arms though