Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population 'substantially larger' than previous estimates

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

previous estimates are under estimated on the size of the illegal alien population in u.s.

the new study suggest it is higher between 16 million to 30 million with a mean of 22 million.

the study is in dispute and so is the original estimate.

in the original estimate, they used subtraction to get the 12 million result. this method is not very accurate. they did n't take in account for the illegals who did not take the survey.

this ties to another article I read that 60 million in U.S. do not speak english.

I bet half of that are illegals.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Media matters for years have "under estimated" so they could said look nothing here. Its like the media saying ILLEGALs are less likely to commit crimes ( illegal entry = 100 commit crimes but that's another thread)
As i mentioned on the site where i first saw that.. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY to have done this, study, all to prove SOMETHING WE ALREADY KNEW!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
As i mentioned on the site where i first saw that.. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY to have done this, study, all to prove SOMETHING WE ALREADY KNEW! Originally Posted by garhkal

not necessarily a waste of money.

what the study does is challenge the lie of 11 million illegals in this country as the actual number.

what it does is make defending the lie a lot harder.

remember... 60 million people don't speak English. half are prolly illegals. think about that!