Tucker Carlson showed the world the TRUTH about J6....

  • Vulva
  • 07-18-2023, 07:54 AM
And the Shaman wants a redo! GO Shaman, GO!
Show the world more truth on these shameful ignorant fucks that set you up!

QAnon Shaman, who pleaded guilty and made a heartfelt apology in Jan. 6 case, has changed his mind and wants his plea reversed

winn dixie's Avatar
Still waiting on this shocking new film evidence tuckster promised. Nothing burger
winn dixie's Avatar
Tucker didn't show shit. But Tucker got shown the door. Lolling
Hashtag # no sand snick
  • Vulva
  • 07-18-2023, 01:40 PM
Tucker didn't show shit. But Tucker got shown the door. Lolling
Hashtag # no sand snick Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sorry buddy
Tucker exposed to the World all it needed to see to clarify what really happened on J6
... They moved the Shaman bloke out of jail and to
a 'alf-way house half-a-mo after Tucker showed the
6th Jan films... Videos of the Shaman INSIDE THE CAPITOL
- and being led-about like a celebrity by the police.

Surely reminded me of your President Lincoln being
led-'round the Starship Enterprise...

Funny that those videos WERE NOT shown at the
Shaman's trial... Hidden from his defence barristers. ...

More FBI and DOJ "honesty" in America...

... NOW the Shaman will be seeking RESTITUTION... $$$$$

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
Sane folks knew J6 was much to do about nuttin, looked like a peaceful demonstration till Anitifa showed up
winn dixie's Avatar
trumpf tried to kill vp Pence Jan 6th.

Bet that won't show up on tucks tapes.
winn dixie's Avatar
tucks time has passed.
He's heading to obscurity like his predecessor Glenn beck

Both irrelevant now
  • Vulva
  • 07-18-2023, 04:59 PM
trumpf tried to kill vp Pence Jan 6th.

Bet that won't show up on tucks tapes.
Snick Originally Posted by winn dixie

Did not happen. TDS on full display.

Attention Data Annotators, this is what False Fake Information looks like. Train the AI models.

oilfieldace's Avatar
Did not happen. TDS on full display.

Attention Data Annotators, this is what False Fake Information looks like. Train the AI models.

Originally Posted by Vulva
All I can say is Trump should ask the Clinton’s on how to kill folks, they done many.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tucker didn't show shit. But Tucker got shown the door. Lolling
Hashtag # no sand snick Originally Posted by winn dixie
Is he still collecting a paycheck from Rupert?
We all know Dan Rather did and still worked for the Ivory Tower network while off camera.

Sorry buddy
Tucker exposed to the World all it needed to see to clarify what really happened on J6 Originally Posted by Vulva
How many hours of video did tucky post on air (A)?
How many totalhours of video were recorded (B)?

Percentage of missing video that show the rest of the story = (100 - A/B)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is he still collecting a paycheck from Rupert?
We all know Dan Rather did and still worked for the Ivory Tower network while off camera.

How many hours of video did tucky post on air (A)?
How many totalhours of video were recorded (B)?

Percentage of missing video that show the rest of the story = (100 - A/B) Originally Posted by Precious_b

apparently he's still getting his checks so FOX can keep him off any competing news sites. he'd be in breach of contract if he goes to another network before Jan 2025.

FOX is willing to pay him about 25 million to not be on the air.

it's not now much of the total Jan 6th footage Carlson showed, it's that he showed it at all that got him taken off the air. he planned to continue airing footage. Carlson's contract as their star of stars gave him near total control of his show's content. if FOX tried to prevent who he interviewed FOX would be in breach of the contract, owe Carlson 20-25 million immediately and invalidate the non-compete clause freeing Carlson to go wherever he wants.
DNinja69's Avatar
We are at a point with the availability of first person video and a million talking heads telling us what to think about one event or another that it should be a pretty simple process to find a truth that makes sense.

Unfortunately it seems we aren't looking for truth. We are looking for something to be mad at. If you support Trump the expectation is to cheer what Tucker Carlson did and buy into the 'stolen election' justification 100%

If you support Biden then Trump organized a riot trying to overthrow the new administration and all involved deserve a sledgehammer of Justice.

The videos available show us more than enough to know there is Justice needed for a lot of people for what they did on Jan 6. I voted for Trump. I think Biden is a buffoon of a President. None of that changes what is lawful or appropriate does it? We are capable of supporting someone AND holding them accountable right?

Tucker Carlson didn't expose the truth he muddied the water. I applaud any effort to bring more evidence out but the lines were already drawn.
I hope that if any of us find ourselves facing serious charges our fate does not depend on who we voted for. That kind of policy is many things but most definitely not Justice
Precious_b's Avatar
So. He's being a deadbeat taking the handout without doing any work.

Isn't this what you and your buddies complain about?

You hate Dan but at least he earned his check.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So. He's being a deadbeat taking the handout without doing any work.

Isn't this what you and your buddies complain about?

You hate Dan but at least he earned his check. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Dan Rather is a punk asshole. to this day he denies his story was inaccurate, which it was. and he knew it. political hit-job by a liberal democrat reporter.

deadbeat? would you take 25 million for doing nothing? and apparently twiityXbird isn't defined as a media outlet so he can take his FOX bucks and post away on his private twittyXbird account.