
Curious about SBs and SDs that maybe freestyling in the area. IYKYK

Any good spots? I know the casino in Schenectady is legit. Curious if anyone has had any luck anywhere else or if any posts have information regarding it.

Local strip clubs are also an option, but hit rate is low like Seeking.
icewatermansion's Avatar
The casino In Schenectady is legit? Would you please elaborate? Does that mean there are girls there looking for dates?
I was wondering about the casino in Schenectady as well.

Also, are there any swinger clubs in the area? They may be an option as well.
The casino In Schenectady is legit? Would you please elaborate? Does that mean there are girls there looking for dates? Originally Posted by icewatermansion
Let’s start w it’s a casino. But I do know girls freestyle there… same as an any other casino. Just not sure how frequently. From the girls I know, they say u may have luck late night at the bar. But not sure how much it’s controlled. Obviously cameras everywhere, including the parking lot. So only option is one of the rooms.

I know several 4+ girls that are all gamblers that “work” for $$ to blow at the slots or tables. Crazy… but I know for a fact. The 4 girls I know say they don’t freestyle at the casino but get rooms there and do seeking or get rooms there and book guys the old fashioned way via websites we all know.

Curious if any local hotel bars maybe legit for girls looking for SDs.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Saratoga during race season.

The race track & higher end bars.
Anyone know any swinger clubs or bars ect
Me and. My wife may be interested ?