Horniest Cities

Ive been broadening my sexual horizons (waving hi at my buds in Another Realm).... and now I am considering broadening my touring horizons.

I know there is high hobby traffic in KC and Cities in Texas..

I was curious as to other popular cities that are filled with horny hobbiest just itchin to have some head board banging, body slamming, butt spanking, wild monkey on viagra OD during mating season ,boink.

Ladies- what cities have you coming back for more?
Guys- what cities out there love to bring in traveling ladies?
Satyrrical's Avatar
Haven't found too many ladies I click with locally so about all I see are visitors. A few years ago Memphis used to have a bad reputation among ASPs for guys playing games and NCNS. I think we're better now.
darkroot50's Avatar
Like Satyrrical I tend to favor travelling ladies. I'm not sure why Knoxville never seems to get included in tours but I see ladies that will visit Memphis, Nashville and even upper East Tennessee and won't stop in K-town. We can always use some talented visitors so add us to your tours please.