scenario question

I have a bad habit of taking L1 amp providers out for drinks and a hotel. I was curious, what would happen if I was pulled over with an amp girl in my car and she got nervous and told the cops who she was. Could I get busted for multiple things?
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I have a bad habit of taking L1 amp providers out for drinks and a hotel. I was curious, what would happen if I was pulled over with an amp girl in my car and she got nervous and told the cops who she was. Could I get busted for multiple things? Originally Posted by Frontier2002
I'll assume by telling the cops "who she was" you mean the AMP girl said something like, "I work at the Lotus Flower giving erotic massages." Although I've often said a cop can arrest anyone at anytime for anything, I'd be surprised if you were arrested based only on that statement. A provider telling a cop she's a provider isn't proof that she or you committed the offense of prostitution together or separately. So the literal answer to your question is, "Probably nothing."

As an aside, I'll mention something I haven't written about recently, and that is the immunity that may be granted to a party who engages in prostitution and who gives evidence against the other party who engages in prostitution.


(a) A party to an offense under this subchapter (that is, chapter 43, "Public Indecency," subchapter A, "Prostitution") may be required to furnish evidence or testify about the offense.
(b) A party to an offense under this subchapter may not be prosecuted for any offense about which he is required to furnish evidence or testify, and the evidence and testimony may not be used against the party in any adjudicatory proceeding except a prosecution for aggravated perjury.
(c) For purposes of this section, "adjudicatory proceeding" means a proceeding before a court or any other agency of government in which the legal rights, powers, duties, or privileges of specified parties are determined.
(d) A conviction under this subchapter may be had upon the uncorroborated testimony of a party to the offense.

See Texas Penal Code section 43.06.

The effect of section 43.06 is that a provider (or a hobbyist, for that matter) who commits the offense of prostitution may be forced to "furnish evidence or testify" regarding her crime. Because the statute lists both "furnish evidence" and "testify," we must assume furnishing evidence means something different from testifying, such as giving a statement to the police, turning over electronic communications to the cops, or handing them the cash the hobbyist gave her, for example. Section 43.06 doesn't abridge the privilege against self-incrimination stated in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution because the statute expressly states that the evidence the provider furnishes can't be used against her in a prosecution for having committed the offense of prostitution.

Just something to keep in mind for hobbyists, including those who short, don't pay, or steal from providers, hobbyists who overstay time bought, hobbyists who are physically abusive to providers, hobbyists who covertly attempt BBFS, etc. The provider you fuck then fuck over may drop a dime on you to obtain revenge or as part of a deal to avoid prosecution. I think it is a prudent hobbyist who treats every provider like the princess she is inside.