Black Lives don't Matter

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
to Blacks. and Democratic elected officials. and George Soros. and Joe Biden.

we will start with a typical cop-out by Lenny Pitts Jr. an unabashed racist who has the audacity to say "yes blacks kill blacks .. but whites kill whites .. so NO BIGGIE!"

yeah .. that makes it all equal .. right???

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Let’s talk about black-on-black violence

OK, fine. Let’s talk about “black on black” crime.

That, after all, is where the conversation seems to inevitably turn whenever one seeks to engage a conservative on the American habit of shooting unarmed African-American boys and men. So it was exasperating, but nowhere near surprising, to see former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani go there last week on Meet The Press.

Asked by host Chuck Todd, during a discussion of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo., about the fact that African-American communities like that one are often served by snow white police departments, he offered some perfunctory words about the effort to produce more representative cop shops. But then Giuliani took a sharp turn off topic and into the brambles. “I find it very disappointing,” he told Todd, “that you’re not discussing the fact that 93 percent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks....I would like to see the attention paid to that that you are paying to this.”

There followed a sharp exchange with another panelist, author and professor Michael Eric Dyson, which produced this parting shot from the mayor: “The white police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.”

Somehow, he managed not to call Dyson “you people.” In nearly every other respect, Giuliani’s words reeked of a paternalistic white supremacy unworthy of a former mayor of America’s largest city — or even a sewer worker in its remotest Podunk. But again, this has become the go-to “reasoning” for those on the right — Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh — when asked to give a damn about the killings of unarmed black boys and men.

That formulation is false for multiple reasons.

In the first place, being concerned over the shooting of unarmed black men hardly precludes being concerned over violence within the African-American community. Giuliani and others suggest a dichotomy where none exists.

In the second place, they ignore the obvious: When black people commit crimes against black people, they face prosecution, but when police officers (or certain neighborhood watchmen) commit crimes against black people, they face getting off with little if any punishment.

In the third place, what exactly is “black on black” crime?

Do black people kill one another? Sure they do. Ninety percent of black murder victims are killed by black assailants.

But guess what? White people kill one another, too. Eighty-three percent of white victims are killed by white assailants. See, the vast majority of violent crime is committed within — not between — racial groups. Crime is a matter of proximity and opportunity. People victimize their own rather than drive across town to victimize somebody else.
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So another term for “black on black” crime is, crime.

ah yes the "whitewash" .. whites kill whites so who cares if blacks kill blacks?? my point exactly ..

But there is crime and there is crime.

Redlining, loan discrimination and predatory mortgages have stripped generations of wealth from the African-American community. What is that if not robbery?

The Republican Party practices policies of voter suppression. That’s the assault and battery of African-American political rights.

if you say so ..

Mass incarceration criminalizes the very existence of black men and boys. That’s the rape of equal justice.

stop raising fatherless bums who turn into criminals ...

Unarmed people are killed by those who are purportedly there to protect and serve them and the “just us” system looks the other way. That’s the murder of basic human rights.
It is touching that Giuliani and others are so concerned about black on black crime. But African Americans have also been long oppressed by what might be called “America on black” crime.

When do you suppose they’ll be ready to talk about that?

after Black people admit they were prime forces in their tribal wars to knowingly support and fuel the MAJORITY of the colonial slave trade.

Read more here:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yep! it's Whitey's fault.. Jeff Bozo says so

"The psychodynamics of black self annihilation in service of white domination." Contents include: "The sociopolitical necessity of black criminality; Quantifying a myth: Statistics and black criminality; American society - crimogenic society; The creation of the black on black criminal; The identity crisis of the black on black criminal; Self alienation; Inculcating the beast; Chasing the American Mirage; Dreams without means; Suicide; Cosmic causation; and The neutralization of black on black violence and more. "This is a revolutionary book."
Leonard Pitts should be concerned that when white police officers quit their inner city jobs and leave the shitholes they currently protect that black on black murder will increase.
  • oeb11
  • 06-17-2020, 07:49 AM
Leonard Pitts is a Racist who foments black violence on Lies .
The Democrats are the Ones who practice vote stealing, and fraud on a party wide basis.

Mail-in ballots are just another Democrat scheme - and they are experts at attributing their own crimes and planned crimes on republicans.

civil War is coming - soon!
Leonard Pitts is a Racist who foments black violence on Lies .
The Democrats are the Ones who practice vote stealing, and fraud on a party wide basis.

Mail-in ballots are just another Democrat scheme - and they are experts at attributing their own crimes and planned crimes on republicans.

civil War is coming - soon! Originally Posted by oeb11
I've never liked Leonard Pitts and believe he wants us to play his game which he has rigged to be unwinnable.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well. this is interesting.

Muhammad Ali's son said his dad wouldn't have supported Black Lives Matter movement or protests over George Floyd's death

Muhammad Ali Jr. (R) said his father, the legendary late boxer and activist Muhammad Ali wouldn't support Black Lives Matter.Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • Muhammad Ali Jr., the son of the late boxing icon Muhammad Ali, told The New York Post in an hour-long interview that his father wouldn't have supported the Black Lives Matter movement, calling it "racist."

  • Ali, who died aged 74 in 2016 as a result of complications of Parkinsons' disease, was a known activist who in 1964 joined the Malcolm X-led Nation of Islam.

  • Ali Jr. said he believed his father would've supported the "all lives matter" movement, and thought the legendary boxer would've believed current protestors were "nothing but devils" after some demonstrations have turned destructive.

  • He said he supported President Trump and believed his father would have, too.
Muhammad Ali Jr. said he did not believe his father would have supported the current Black Lives Matter movement, calling participants in the movement "racist," The New York Post reported Saturday.

"I think it's racist," Ali Jr., the legendary boxer's only biological son whose relationship with his father "completely fell apart" in the final decade of his life, said, according to the report.

He added: "It's not just Black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody's life matters. God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is."

''My father would have said, 'They ain't nothing but devils," Ali Jr, 47, told The New York Post. "My father said, 'all lives matter.' I don't think he'd agree."

Ali Jr. pointed toward some of the more destructive actions of some protestors in recent weeks as part of his own dissatisfaction with the Black Lives Matter movement. While some protests — particularly early on — turned destructive, many of the still ongoing demonstrations have remained peaceful.

"Black Lives Matter is not a peaceful protest. Antifa never wanted it peaceful. I would take them all out," Ali Jr. said.

"It's a racial statement," he said of Black Lives Matter. "It's pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen; I hate that."

In 2016, Ali's most famous child, television personality and retired boxer Laila Ali, made similar statement, saying, "All lives matter."

"Yes, Black lives matter. Yes, white lives matter, asian lives matter. All lives matter," the boxing world champion said. "And that's kind of what my focus is."

On Wednesday, Ali told KTLA she thought it was a "shame" that Black Americans were still fighting to secure the same things her father supported.

"His grandsons are even having to fight two generations later, but we're going to keep at it because it's all about equality for Black people and all people," she said.

Nationwide protests against police brutality began following the police killing of 46-year-old George Floyd in Minneapolis. A since-fired police officer was recorded kneeling on Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes while he said he couldn't breathe and even after he lost consciousness. Three other officers have also been fired from the Minneapolis Police Department. All four have been charged for their involvement.

"Don't bust up s–t, don't trash the place," Ali Jr. told The Post. "You can peacefully protest."

As NPR noted, his father, the legendary late boxer often nicknamed "The Greatest," was a known activist, notably making headlines in 1967 for his refusal to be inducted into the U.S. Army in 1967 citing his opposition to the Vietnam War, his religious beliefs, and his identity as a Black Muslim.

In 1964, Ali, born Cassius Clay, joined the Malcolm X-led Nation of Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali to rid himself of his "slave name."

In an hour-long interview with the news outlet, Ali Jr. defended the police and said they "don't wake up and think, 'I'm going to kill a n----r today or kill a white man."

"I never had a bad scene with a cop. They've always been nice and protect me. I don't have a problem with them," he told The New York Post.

While he said the former Minneapolis Police Officer should not have killed Floyd, he said there was more to the story.

"The officer was wrong with killing that person, but people don't realize there was more footage than what they showed. The guy resisted arrest, the officer was doing his job, but he used the wrong tactic," he said, adding he believed that antifa, the leaderless decentralized group of left-wing activists, had been responsible for turning protests violent and that he agreed with the president that they should be classified as terrorist groups.

Ali Jr. said he believed his father would have supported President Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 06-20-2020, 05:31 PM
Ali Jr. is a very brave man
The left and OBLM will be after him - picket and torch his home, and make his life miserable with harassment.

A black person does not go against the Leftist plantation narrative - fro good reason - the Plantation masters make the price for that a sheer Hell.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I had the honor (?) of getting a reply from L. Pitts when I sent him an e-mail and called him out on the Michael Brown shooting. He is among the worst of the race baiters.

One day they will admit that over 90% of all Black killings are done by Blacks and the next day they will tell you that Whites are committing genocide against Blacks. It's all bullshit. Of course there are White racist and of course Black people have had a hellish life in this country for hundreds of years and of course their are still injustices being perpetrated on Black people by Whites but this "systemic racism" argument is a bunch of crap and they know it but it is to good a talking point ( they think ) to let go of.

"Hands up don't shoot", was a lie. A lie that Eric Holders Dept. of Justice explained to us but does BLM care? Nope, to good a slogan to let go.

The fact of the matter, for reasons we are told is the fault of Whites, is that about 6% of the population, the number of Black males between approx. 14 to 45, commit over half the violent crime in this country. You can dress that up any way you want Mr. Pitts but it is a fact. The KKK is not killing Black people in Chicago, New Orleans where I lived for 20 years, or Detroit, or Baltimore, St. Louis, Compton, you name the city. The vast majority of Black deaths are at the hands of other Blacks and telling us the same is true of Whites does nothing to change the argument that Whites are not killing Blacks at an alarming rate that does not involve encounters that go south with police because of resisting arrest.

The sooner we have "this" conversation" the better off we will all be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
didn't trump and ali know each other? I'm sure he did. Trump gets around.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ali Jr. is a very brave man
The left and OBLM will be after him - picket and torch his home, and make his life miserable with harassment.

A black person does not go against the Leftist plantation narrative - fro good reason - the Plantation masters make the price for that a sheer Hell. Originally Posted by oeb11

same for the King relatives. MLKjr would not have supported BLM. they have said so. it was against his non-violent beliefs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I had the honor (?) of getting a reply from L. Pitts when I sent him an e-mail and called him out on the Michael Brown shooting. He is among the worst of the race baiters. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

oh really? what did he say?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
didn't trump and ali know each other? I'm sure he did. Trump gets around. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

yep. they met many times over the years.