House Dems to introduce gun backgrounds checks bill

  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2019, 03:54 PM
House Dems to introduce gun backgrounds checks bill

The Democratic proposal would require federal background checks on all gun sales, including private transactions. There will be some small exemptions to those checks, such as transfers between family members, or temporary use of a gun for hunting. Gun-control groups estimate that roughly one-fifth or more of gun sales don't include background checks.

While i agree with better background checks - part of that includes updating and improving the database and system. It can be woefully out of date.
Helps by closing the gun show loopholes.

It is not likely to pass the Senate, but we should do reasonable things to try to keep weapons out of the hands of the severely mentally il,l and transferring weapons to out of country drug cartels.
Danielle Silver's Avatar
The gun flow will never stop.

Gun Control doesn't work.

Prime Example : CHICAGO

Just my 2 cents, lol
LexusLover's Avatar

1. While i agree with better background checks -

2. part of that includes updating and improving the database

3. and system.

4. It can be woefully out of date.

5. Helps by closing the gun show loopholes.
Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm not being argumentative in the least, but I just turned you "discussion" into talking points for the anti-"gun" crowd.

Just as a general point of order .... to what "database" and "system" are you referring?

How are they "woefully out of date" ...

and what "loopholes"?

And of course the killer in the discussion ... will the "Dem's version of gun control" accomplish those missions/goals you have created from their talking points ...?

Liberals spuriously believe that more laws will make us safer and reduce killings! Perfect example: "Immigration Reform"! What do they want to "Reform" ... make it against the law to sneak into the country? Dissolve the "Immigration Police"? Or just DISARM THEM?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Disarm? Sure...
winn dixie's Avatar
As a person that has filled out many a yellow sheet' back in the day and now filled out many nics back ground checks! I have to say that we only need to enforce the current laws ! No law will ever stop someone from committing any crime! Any new laws would take rights away from the law abiding citizen. All of the questions on the fbi back ground check deals with everyones concern above! But i believe in private transfers! A criminal is going to obtain his weapon of choice no matter what the law states!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm not being argumentative in the least, but I just turned you "discussion" into talking points for the anti-"gun" crowd.

Just as a general point of order .... to what "database" and "system" are you referring?

How are they "woefully out of date" ...

and what "loopholes"?

And of course the killer in the discussion ... will the "Dem's version of gun control" accomplish those missions/goals you have created from their talking points ...?

Liberals spuriously believe that more laws will make us safer and reduce killings! Perfect example: "Immigration Reform"! What do they want to "Reform" ... make it against the law to sneak into the country? Dissolve the "Immigration Police"? Or just DISARM THEM? Originally Posted by LexusLover

the so-called gun show loophole. it isn't the "loophole" most people think it is. it only applies to private citizens selling guns at gun shows to another private citizen.

the media myth is that States are lax on background checks by dealers, who are required to do a background checks and that most States don't require dealers to make the check. that is false. all States require dealers to do the check as part of the conditions of their Fed Firearm License to do business.

closing the so-called loophole would only apply to private citizens wishing to sell among themselves at gun shows. a drop in the bucket. ive been to gun shows in several States and the majority of the buying is from the Dealers that have the merchandise to sell.

the difference would be negligible to the overall sales at guns shows but it would be a step toward outlawing the right of a citizen to sell a gun at all. this is why the NRA and many conservative gun owners claim such laws would be incompatible with the 2nd amendment.
There is no "gunshot loophole". If you buy a gun from a dealer at a gun show, they will do a background check. The last show I attend d at George R Brown the n Houston had dozens of people sitting ar tables doing nothing but background checks.

If two guys cross paths in a gun show and one buys a gun from the other, that is not a "loophole". It's the law. It's a sale between private individule.
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2019, 06:35 PM
I'm not being argumentative in the least, but I just turned you "discussion" into talking points for the anti-"gun" crowd.

Just as a general point of order .... to what "database" and "system" are you referring?

How are they "woefully out of date" ...

and what "loopholes"?

And of course the killer in the discussion ... will the "Dem's version of gun control" accomplish those missions/goals you have created from their talking points ...?

Liberals spuriously believe that more laws will make us safer and reduce killings! Perfect example: "Immigration Reform"! What do they want to "Reform" ... make it against the law to sneak into the country? Dissolve the "Immigration Police"? Or just DISARM THEM? Originally Posted by LexusLover

In order to purchase a gun from a federal firearms licensed dealer (FFL), a consumer must provide identification and pass a federal background check using the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 4473 form.

The "system" is not up to date and There is no good reason that gun purchases at a gun show cannot be run through the system - "Loop hole" that allowed weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

I am not an anti-gun nut. I own weapons - and prize the privilege. I am open for reasonable efforts to contain gun violence . Is it perfect - No!

Chicago is a good object lesson.

Rather than "pry them from my cold dead hand" - I prefer to participate in the National Debate constructively.

There are those - some already posted here - who disagree- and I respect that.
Please consider and submit constructive ideas in the debate - or eventually - as Kalifornia has gone- the DPST's will take advantage of a majority and make weapon ownership untenable, or even repeal the 2nd amendment.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In order to purchase a gun from a federal firearms licensed dealer (FFL), a consumer must provide identification and pass a federal background check using the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 4473 form.

The "system" is not up to date and There is no good reason that gun purchases at a gun show cannot be run through the system - "Loop hole" that allowed weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

I am not an anti-gun nut. I own weapons - and prize the privilege. I am open for reasonable efforts to contain gun violence . Is it perfect - No!

Chicago is a good object lesson.

Rather than "pry them from my cold dead hand" - I prefer to participate in the National Debate constructively.

There are those - some already posted here - who disagree- and I respect that.
Please consider and submit constructive ideas in the debate - or eventually - as Kalifornia has gone- the DPST's will take advantage of a majority and make weapon ownership untenable, or even repeal the 2nd amendment. Originally Posted by oeb11
There was no "Loop Hole" allowing the sale of weapons to Mexican Cartels during Operation Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious involved a conscious decision by Odumbo's AG and Odumbo's agents in the ATF not to enforce the law. hildebeest's speech in Mexico suggests that Operation Fast and Furious was a False Flag operation to create an international incident the anti-gun Odumbo administration could exploit to advance its anti-gun agenda.

bamscram's Avatar
Gun laws are more lax now than ever,, Mo has gone from one of the most restricted on who could own and carry to anyone can buy peer to peer and carry concealed.
themystic's Avatar
Somebody should take away the guns from anyone who actually voted for Trump. They are not mentally stable. They actually think Mexico is paying for a border wall. Then they shut down the government because Congress wont give them the money to build it? Yeah take the guns from those nut cases
Gun laws are more lax now than ever,, Mo has gone from one of the most restricted on who could own and carry to anyone can buy peer to peer and carry concealed. Originally Posted by bamscram
Please tell me where you can go and buy a gun ANYWHERE by just filling out the "gentleman honor" yellow sheet.
My local paper had person to person gun sells everyday!!
This was 35 years ago.
Before that...
I use to carry a rifle to school for
shooting class...that dates me!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Somebody should take away the guns from anyone who actually voted for Trump. They are not mentally stable. They actually think Mexico is paying for a border wall. Then they shut down the government because Congress wont give them the money to build it? Yeah take the guns from those nut cases Originally Posted by themystic
Alright! Please give links to back this vomit spew - up!
This sounds like a communist viewpoint!
winn dixie's Avatar
Gun laws are more lax now than ever,, Mo has gone from one of the most restricted on who could own and carry to anyone can buy peer to peer and carry concealed. Originally Posted by bamscram
What? Firearms owners and purchasers are under attack! Our rights are eroding daily! Right to carry is gaining in popularity; however their are more restrictions on firearm ownership now, more than ever.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-05-2019, 06:46 PM
You had shooting class in school? Damn I thought I was getting up there for remembering auto shop and welding being offered. Seems like more is missing now than has been added (has anything been added?). Saw now you only learn to write in print now. We used to think only retarded people wrote in print still after a certain point. Guess we said fuck it somewhere.