I have hung in there. New pics, advertising, lowered rates, extended hours...and I am about to say, I am in the start of a forced semi retirement. I LOVE MEN!! I LOVE TO ENTERTAIN!!! The hobby has changed so much recently. Use to be much more lucrative, fun & private. I feel like I have been blacklisted. My phone hasn't been ringing. Gents, one bad review from you can kill a lady's lively hood. I feel like this reminds me of the old slam books passed around in school. There are a few appointments I have had that did not go well. But I have not gone and made it public about that gentleman and his performance. I prefer to be British and keep my mouth shut and give them the benefit of the doubt and call it a day. (Excuse me, don't get me wrong, I will open my mouth and say AAAAHHHH MMMM quite happily, when the time warrants it!!!) If I am giving a reference to another provider about a gentleman, I do not list all the cons I saw in him. If I invite you to spend some more time with me at no extra cost and you accept, feel honored and do not review that time or twist that time spent together to your means and makes rubbish of it. I'm British and it is not in my nature to publicly denounce anyone. Privately, perhaps to a close trusted liaison but never in public. I would much prefer private communication with a gentleman letting me know he liked me but what could be improved on before posting publicly of his experience.

Gentlemen, if you want to privately visit a very entertaining sensual British Babe, I am available. I am 100% better looking than my pics. I hate taking pics. I have had many great reviews in the past, when I do get them. But because I am usually so private....my clientele is private too and do not review. It just seems lately that a few overly exaggerated not soenlightening reviews have surfaced on a few ladies including myself so it seems.

British Babe Phoebe need some love and I need some calls...and I need too keep a roof over my head.

Abandoment Part II
Hang in there girl. It's the economy, you have competition from all directions, and many of us have to mail our quarterly tax check to uncle sammy in a couple of weeks. My business has been slow too. So money for the hobby is not what it used to be.
pickupkid's Avatar
Don't feel bad Sweete.....I used to love to see an out of town girl...but she said she won't make the trip..due to lack of business.
redrum's Avatar
I agree with woody. Hang in there honey! Don't get discouraged. As far as the bad review here and there goes, every hobbyist knows to do more research then just one review. Dennis is teaching us well lol. Times are tough for all but the strong will prevail. All the best!
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Tough times all over, unfortunately thats the economy at the moment, like Texas weather it will change just give it time. I am sure things will pick up.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar

A few words of encouragement:

I know how you feel. A few months ago I thought I was going to retire when biz was slow. It happens to ALL providers and it is a part of the BIZ and that is where "saving money" helps alot. I am doing great, but I cannot say that ALL the time, nor can anyone else. Sometimes, it helps to travel and go on tour- advertise really well first that you will be touring- especially in those areas you will visit.

NEVER NEVER NEVER let a review get to you. I agree that being professional about the whole ordeal is way better than going on a rampage so you are showing alot of class in doing so. Dont ever let "gossip" get to you either. I always thought gossip was something that would go away after Junior High, But I am appalled to say that it doesn not. But you can overcome that all with a positive attitude, keeping your head up and never lower yourself to what others do.

Also, a bad review is not going to kill your business. I have one. I admitted I made the mistake. It was my fault after all and I made up for it. It was the least I could do. People (most good people) are very understanding and forgiving when you are straight forward and honest. So just keep that up and you wont go wrong.

The big problem I have found is that too many ladies make the mistake caring about what other people think of them in general. Most of the time it comes from people the lady has NOT EVER even met prior. That in itself to be the perfect example of why it is imperative to ignore such things.

Have fun, put yourself out there with enthusiasm and knock out the self pity as it can be an extreme turn off. You are tooooooo pretty for that anyway. I wish you the best. Hang in there- you will see it will get better!

Kelli Ann Preston
flinde's Avatar
1. Specials
2. Be active in the forums--then no one will forget about you
3. Specials
4. Different, imaginative services--like the "mystery woman" behind the curtain BNG that was offered in Austin a while back (with a SA provider being the mystery woman).
5. Times are TOUGH. We all have to work harder , be satisfied with less rewards and look to the future.
6. Specials.
oralee's Avatar
Guys, I had my first visit today with the legendary Phoebe. She offered a very sensuous and relaxing hour of pleasure, and I highly recommend her. She is a talker, but I found her highly intelligent, funny, and very sexy! And she shed a tear when I sang my signature song!
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-27-2010, 09:32 PM
I need to bring her some Indian food to change her mood. She is a wonderful lady, and very pleasing date.
Hang in there girl, it's a hard time for all of us. Best wishes!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
And she shed a tear when I sang my signature song! Originally Posted by oralee
That is a sign of a "genuine" heart and soul!

Tex9401's Avatar
I am in Field Services IT Contractor, and I suppose to have six month contract which started in mid Jan. Well, work slowed down and I got layoff by the end of April. Last year, I lost 90% of income from Aug to Dec. There was a lot of sitting in everyday by myself. I did traveling gigs in West Texas, Hobbs, ad Clovis, NM during the last 3 years. It got lonely, but I had my computer, cable TV, and few paperbacks for the evening.
Okay...I'm a softy for a well sung serenade. Still craving human contact. Fingers crossed for a good holiday weekend and hoping some action may come my way!!
textodd11's Avatar
I agree with what everyone is saying about the economy. There's tons of banter on here recently about rates too and it's all related. San Antonio has what I call a "secondary economy". It's primary industries generally fall on the back-end of all economic trends, whether up or down. I saw it in my own industry as we were doing fine while the rest of the country was suffering. Then there was a lag time before the full effects of the worldwide economy hit San Antonio. I feel we're feeling the brunt of it just now while most elsewhere are already beginning to see the recovery. In any event, there will be casualties and I'm truly sorry you are feeling it now.
Very true on the SA lag.....personally, I feel SA has roughly a 5 year lag from the true 'big cities' (in just about every major trendy occurrence). Keep ya head up is all I can say.