It's an HONOR to know those who serve in military. God Bless You ALL!!

Mature Companion's Avatar
As my travels take me near and far. I'm often blessed to find myself in the presence of many wonderful men & woman who serve in the Military.
A few months back I had the honor of attending the Marine Corps birthday, with a wonderful group of young Marines (men & women).
It never ceases to amaze me how choked up I get when I see our men & women in uniform boarding a plane to deploy or returning home to their families. It's one of the best moments of my day.

And I'm proud to say. It's an honor to know the men & women who serve our country. Thank you for your service. For all that you do. For putting your lives on the line for countries full of strangers. God Bless you all! If you pass me in an airport. I'll proudly shake your hand.

For our troops by our troops. Enjoy.
For Freedom & Here we've been are both awesome songs
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
YES! What she^said!!!!

Thank you! Looking forward to your safe and speedy return home!!!!!!!!


Kelli Ann
To what both of you said!!! Having family in the military I know how it feels, God Bless them ALL! WE LOVE YOU!
St.Mateo's Avatar
A very nice post. It also irksme beyond no end when I hear those people who trash talk and berate those that are " On that wall" so you and I can have what we want,say what we want and have the freedom to be what we are....
tim_29m's Avatar
Thank you and your welcome WM. Even though I am somewhat newly retired, I would go back if they ask me in a heart beat!
Being the mother of a is an honor to be an American, and to know all military men and women...and to honor our fallen Warriors!

God Bless America and God Bless our troops and their families as they selflessly keep guard!

"A single candle is a symbol of the human spirit and can bring darkness into light. Lighting a virtual candle on represents a wonderful new way to keep a loved one's memory alive."

For those who have lost a loved one...light a virtual candle to keep their memory alive.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-28-2010, 06:40 PM

In honor of all of those who have served or are serving now.

I just want to say thanks to all that currently serve and have served before. Being an Ex-military man and the Father of a Marine, I know that what they do for us and how sometimes it inadvertently goes unnoticed and taken for granted in our everyday life.
I have had the privilege to travel, work and live all over the world, and there is no better place on earth, than to live in the wonderful country we have here and the one we call HOME. I want to personally thank all of you for letting us sleep safe at night and being able to enjoy all the freedoms I/we have become accustomed to in our daily life. For there are others in this World, who are jealous of the life we have and the freedoms we share. I anxiously wait for all of you to return home, Safely!

God bless all of you,
God bless America.
Sabronco's Avatar
This is what makes this a great country. We appricate our military men and woman. But just a note that this is "Memorial Day", a day for those that have pasted. So if you would say a pray, do a moment of silence to honor or fallen hero's.
And if your downtown on day, make a stop in the USO and drop a few buck's in there donation box. The USO is a great organization that helps not only our military men and woman, but also there family. Ask to take a tour of it. For anyone that every went there in the past (AIT 82), it is real nice.
And I now your thoughts and prayers will go along way not only on Memorial day but every day of the year.
Having served in the greatest Army in the world was on honor. And for those that have family or friends in our doing a great service for us. And yes, God bless them all.
Army Ret. (DAV)
Mature Companion's Avatar
This is what makes this a great country. We appricate our military men and woman. But just a note that this is "Memorial Day", a day for those that have pasted. So if you would say a pray, do a moment of silence to honor or fallen hero's.
And if your downtown on day, make a stop in the USO and drop a few buck's in there donation box. The USO is a great organization that helps not only our military men and woman, but also there family. Ask to take a tour of it. For anyone that every went there in the past (AIT 82), it is real nice.
And I now your thoughts and prayers will go along way not only on Memorial day but every day of the year.
Having served in the greatest Army in the world was on honor. And for those that have family or friends in our doing a great service for us. And yes, God bless them all.
Army Ret. (DAV) Originally Posted by Sabronco

Every day is Memorial Day, to me.
Our men and women go out to serve our country. Some never make it through the wars to return home to their loved ones. Yet, I realize who this day is suppose to memorialize and I can respect that. Their not forgotten. Especially the POW's.
Viking6910's Avatar
Thank you, retired now, but always put a smile on my face when ordianary people said thanks when I walked by in uniform. To those who served before, with and after me, thanks and keep serving proudly, thoughts and prayers are with you always.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

Let's remember the ones we lost and their families (there are to many families that feel the heart ache) but also, let's make a stand together against the one's that are against us! I am proud to be an Army BRAT!~
