Are we on the list?

john_galt's Avatar
It was revealed a few weeks ago that the White House had issued a "kill" list on 25 Americans. The justification was that these people were terrorists. That was not court finding, it was a decision made by people in the White House, NSA, or CIA. Fox news has been trying to obtain the list but has been getting the runaround. You are no doubt saying "I'm not Middle Eastern", "I'm not a terrorist", or "I have done nothing". Remember what Janet Napolitano defended earlier this year. Returning veterans, single issue voters, pro-life, or gun owners should be suspect for terrorist acts. So how does this administration define terrorist? Obviously not anyone from the Middle East.

Does it make anyone on the left nervous that the White House is also asking for the regulatory power to wire tap the Internet without warrants. Hello Mr. Policeman, I don't know anything about a "hobby".
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
shits been going on before you were born tv & internet just let things out the beg quicker don't act like its new or try to blame it on the left.
john_galt's Avatar
Okay, you admit it is happening, really happening now. So what are you going to do about it? Or do you even care as long as you get some stink on your wee-wee every once in awhile? Reminds me of a porno I saw in the 70s; the undercover cop was found out and he was given a hot shot of heroin. He didn't care because he also got an excellent BJ as he was checking out.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Did you care when M. L. King was on that list Did you care then. Are you saying that mccain dick cheany don't have a part in this.

Why not take a principled stand here and publish your address, cell phone #, auto and license plate and dare them to come after you.

Show some guts!
dirty dog's Avatar

Why not take a principled stand here and publish your address, cell phone #, auto and license plate and dare them to come after you.

Show some guts! Originally Posted by catnipdipper
He cant find the time to do that, he's to busy making tin foil hats to keep them from getting to his mind.

No cheaper he did not care then nor did he care when "the Germans bombed pearl harbor" Belusi Animal house. Cheaper please dont turn this racial.

Actually Galt reminds me of the boy who cried Wolf, he has been talking crap on every little thing Obama does, and now something real might be happening and no one cares cause the tune out the message within the first 3 words.
sipapi's Avatar
I misread the post. I've been put on "the list" by my girlfriend, and believe me you do not want to be on it. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.. I would easily take the hit list by the CIA/FBI, did you see the article where those guys were cheating on the tests for survelliance, they probably aren't too good of shots either. lol

BTW, if any FBI/CIA guys are reading this....just kidding about being poor shots.
Is that why there is a ninja in my tree with binoculars?

dosetank's Avatar
Is that why there is a ninja in my tree with binoculars?

J/K Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
BUSTED!!! Sorry AK I will try to be more discreet next time. Damn, I thought I was!
john_galt's Avatar
I see a couple of you admitted that you think the same way but you just don't want to admit it.

I was a little young to care about MLK not having a fossilized sphincter.

You see I care about this country and I still think it can be saved. Others among like to stand on the sidelines and jeer. That is all you're capable of right now. Hopefully I'm wrong and the media will do their job and the Congress can stop this socialization of the country. Of course, the activities of myself, millions of others will stop this and you will always think that we were all excited about nothing. But what if I'm right like the Bishop of Berlin. He saw the handwriting on the wall in 1938 and spoke out. By 1942 he had disappeared into the camps and was never heard of again.

I do hope you're all right and this is much ado about nothing. If you knew my history you'd know that I have a pretty good average about being right. I hope I'm wrong...
dirty dog's Avatar
I see a couple of you admitted that you think the same way but you just don't want to admit it.

I was a little young to care about MLK not having a fossilized sphincter.

You see I care about this country and I still think it can be saved. Others among like to stand on the sidelines and jeer. That is all you're capable of right now. Hopefully I'm wrong and the media will do their job and the Congress can stop this socialization of the country. Of course, the activities of myself, millions of others will stop this and you will always think that we were all excited about nothing. But what if I'm right like the Bishop of Berlin. He saw the handwriting on the wall in 1938 and spoke out. By 1942 he had disappeared into the camps and was never heard of again.

I do hope you're all right and this is much ado about nothing. If you knew my history you'd know that I have a pretty good average about being right. I hope I'm wrong... Originally Posted by john_galt
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, its not the message its the messenger, there coming to take us away, the coming to take us away ..............

"Of course, the activities of myself, millions of others will stop this and you will always think that we were all excited about nothing."

Wow thats conveinent, if nothing happens, its because you saved us and we didn't even know it. Give me a break oh hero of the wheatfield.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
why is everything about germany or something do really think that bad of this country that we can just be turned in some mindless people. And dd not turning this into a race thing just showing that stuff like targeting american is not new they had people on mlk like 24/7 yet he got killed.
dirty dog's Avatar
I see a couple of you admitted that you think the same way but you just don't want to admit it. Originally Posted by john_galt
Which couple admited they think like you, I can find one person here who agreed with you.

If you knew my history you'd know that I have a pretty good average about being right. I hope I'm wrong... Originally Posted by john_galt
Let me guess, you were a Navy Seal assigned to the NSA, attached to the CIA, through the backdoor of Navel Intellegence with a TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP ultra Top for your eyes only the President has to ask you permission to read a file secret clearance. You used to eat communists and shit James Bond, you is the baddest mamma jamma to have ever walked to intellegence world, feared by the KGB, lusted after by Mosad and coveted by the MI6. Thank you for saving the world John Galt, caped crusader.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dont forget Tom Clancy wrote a book about 20 times while jacking off