Bloodbath at RNC: Trump takes over.

txdot-guy's Avatar
Bloodbath at RNC: Trump team slashes staff at committee.

Trump’s campaign took over operational control of the RNC on Monday. On Friday, former North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley was elected the RNC’s new chair, and Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump was elected as co-chair. Both had Trump’s endorsement. Additionally, Trump senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita was named as the RNC’s new chief of staff.

How long before Trump raids the RNC fund to pay his legal bills? I’ve got April 1st in the pool.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Man takes control of an organization and puts in his own people to run it. Wow, such a scandal.
I look forward to them ruining the RNC. Good days coming for Republicans. Let's see how that fundraising goes. And how much money they waste on Trump's debts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Man takes control of an organization and puts in his own people to run it. Wow, such a scandal. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not a scandal. A coup.

But you knew that already.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! Putting in your own people isn’t a coup, it’s putting in your own people.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But he's not been elected to anything yet. And you're the one who called it a scandal.

The GOP is now just MAGA cultfest.

That's why they will fail in November.

All three houses - Representatives, Senate and White.
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL! Putting in your own people isn’t a coup, it’s putting in your own people. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It's a power vacuum to maintain total control. Mein kampf style

But he's not been elected to anything yet. And you're the one who called it a scandal.

The GOP is now just MAGA cultfest.

That's why they will fail in November.

All three houses - Representatives, Senate and White. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
VitaMan's Avatar
Now we know where Trump will be getting his money....along with donations from the MAGAs.
It was Donald Trump Jr. who said "Send your donation before midnight, or you will burn in hell."

Poor Republican party.....just a shadow of itself now.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Gotta love the conspiracy theorists. Strap that tinfoil hat on tight, fellas.
eyecu2's Avatar
Nepotistic despot hires his own family. Nothing to see here right?!?

It's not a private company. It's the Fucking government of the USA and the takeover that is happening in front of us, should be a warning to everyone.

Nobody will matter except the leader.

Plain and simple.

Its a threat to democracy and how a financially powerful organization such as one of the two large entities who control the purse-strings of our democratic process are selected. Putting fingers on the scales of those races who are less visible, will be the first to die off, and the remainder will be simply to help dear leader doesnt' go down in financial flames.

It's a fucking disgrace
winn dixie's Avatar
Gotta love the conspiracy theorists. Strap that tinfoil hat on tight, fellas. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
winn dixie's Avatar
Maintain and consolidate power.
Controlling the rnc makes trumpf very dangerous.
Straight out of mein kampf.
He's been strategically appointing judges backing certain key candidates in states he needs. And changing primary voting rules to benefit him.
The rnc is no more. Maga has infected everything
... Next, the name of the Republican party might change
to the MAGA party... ...

Though it IS nice to see so many of the liberal lads care...

... I just sent another tenner to the RNC! ... Bloodbath or not.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Gotta love the conspiracy theorists. Strap that tinfoil hat on tight, fellas. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nothing conspiratorial about it. 76 million from his various campaign organizations spent on legal fees.

Trump is a grifting machine. Small dollar donors aren’t paying to get him elected they are just trying to keep him out of jail. Winning the election is a byproduct.
DNinja69's Avatar
Come on fellas we are not talking about the NSA here. Lara is no Hunter Biden and whether this is good for the GOP or not who knows.

There are plenty within the GOP that only ride the Trump train because its the best way to get themselves a parade in January. At least we can hope its just a parade this time