Opening the Economy...

Chung Tran's Avatar
I hear so many conflicting stories on this virus.. it may peter out soon, or it will be next year, MINIMUM, before we can even begin to start back towards "normal".. but while I think May 1st is not a real date.. even Republicans consider it a starting point, and I think we are already at that point, considering much of the economy never shut down.. I think June 1st is realistic, because..

consider most of the Country went on "lockdown" about March 16. allow for a couple of late starters who didn't get the message, or allow for rolling hot spots.. we are at April 1st.. the virus allegedly takes up to 3-4 weeks to infect, another 2-3 weeks for an infected person to recover (if he doesn't die).. one more week for good measure.. we are about at June 1st.

assuming no significant fuck ups, where hot spots appear during that May period.. and it shouldn't if we behave.. why is June 1st implausible? that would be my shoot for date.. announce it soon, let everyone know, and we will stay motivated to self-quarantine.. crack down very hard on scofflaws.

tell me why my analysis is off, if it is.. I hear so much shit, from "nobody will be stricken after June", to "at least half the World will get the virus" before all is done. that is all noise to me. my motto is "don't tell me why it can't be done, show me how it can".. I think it "can", following the playbook I outlined.
They never should have shut it down. It was all done by design, people just don't seem to realize that. I could see drastic measures if the symptoms were very unusual like seizures or something that may possibly cause permanent disability or death, but that's not the case here. The symptoms are quite common, fever, dry cough, sneezing, headache which all can run mild to severe. The numbers are also skewed it's so obvious. Anybody who is wide awake should be able to see that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't know.. I'd like us to hunker down until June 1st.. if we know the end game, we can easily go that long, I think. we have done 4 weeks already.

I find it odd that supposedly half of all those stricken never show any symptoms, yet we closed the Country because many were dying. I can't reconcile those 2 sides. maybe we just don't know enough. but going until June 1st allows testing to ramp up, tracing to start where needed. I disagree with those who say we MUST have a vaccine before any meaningful return can begin. that ignores the 50% who seem to remain symptom-free.
I don't know.. I'd like us to hunker down until June 1st.. if we know the end game, we can easily go that long, I think. we have done 4 weeks already.

I find it odd that supposedly half of all those stricken never show any symptoms, yet we closed the Country because many were dying. I can't reconcile those 2 sides. maybe we just don't know enough. but going until June 1st allows testing to ramp up, tracing to start where needed. I disagree with those who say we MUST have a vaccine before any meaningful return can begin. that ignores the 50% who seem to remain symptom-free. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It's simple the end game is a one world government. They invent a dilemma and give you a solution. Once you realize that you'll be confident in telling the Government and their little scheme to fuck off. You'll see things for what they really are, until then you'll be blind and follow the dumb masses.