Oh, how I wish you were here in Texas! I've been looking for a space to start a pole studio!
Originally Posted by JadePixie
I am so sorry. Too late.
I would LOVE to lease to a lady from ECCIE.
Maybe the next time that I have a vacant commercial space?
I have had a few lookie-loos. One licensed massage therapist and a tattoo artist, both of these people have been in business for 10+ years and seemed to know how to run a business. I called the massage therapist back a few times, nearly begging her to sign the lease, but she got cold feet. As I am getting older, I could really use a good massage every month.
The tattoo artist signed a lease. He wants to bring in three more hand-wash stations, so he can be licensed to operate four tattooing stations. He has all of May to complete the plumbing, re-paint, etc. He wants to be open for business on the first of June. Apparently he is so good that he only does word of mouth business and he is booked up solid a year in advance.
I am tapped out of funds, I can not modify this building any further. So however he wants to modify his space, I dont care. So long as he pays for it.
In the future, I could see maybe tossing some money into the pot to help you to move here if that was too much a hurdle for you.