Smart Old Dude

badhusband's Avatar
A very elderly man (80s) walked into a jewelry store with a gorgeous middle twenties woman.
He told the owner he wanted to see something very special in a diamond ring.
The owner took out a ten thousand dollar ring and said this is nice.

The old man looked at the ring and then at the young woman and said no thank you, I want something really special. The owner put the ring away and took out a one hundred thousand dollar ring and said how is this one? The woman’s eyes lit up like the noon day sun.

The old man said perfect. I will be paying by check. I know you have to verify the check and it’s too late to day so I will pick up the ring on Monday morning. He wrote the check and he and the woman left.

Monday morning the man returned to the shop.
The jeweler told the old man there was no money in the account and he couldn’t have the ring.
I know said the old man, I just stopped in to tell you about the incredible weekend I had.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
LMAO !! good one !