Joplin hotels

StaceyMay's Avatar
Questioning why your staying with them.
Why? Well my house could be under construction, maybe I am passing through on vacation, or too tired to drive the last hour of my trip? My house is being bombed for pests? Had a house fire- the reasons to stay at a hotel on the outskirts of town are endless!

Hell I have gotten to drunk to drive and checked into a hotel right down the street from my house once.

But anyway- Just wanted to let ya all know, according to a hotel in Joplin, if you live within 80 miles of the location, they need a major credit card for "incccendtials" (which I don't have)(even when you book on a booking site) And they question you as to why you are there- Honestly that irritates me, b/c I enjoy getting out of town once in a while- I have my reasons dang it!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You found a hotel that's using the LEO checklist on how to identify hobby folks that also identifies civies having affairs.
Most large hotels file that in a shredder. Small/medium hotels run by bible thumpers simply lose the revenue to another hotel.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Hit Downstream next time. Their prices aren't bad and definitely better than Hilton Garden Inn and Hampton Inn. They have free Valet parking also. I stay there every 2-3 weeks and life an hour and a half away from there. And, they assume you're there to gamble and don't ask questions. Tons of people from Springfield stay there often.
ahobbyist2's Avatar
"Run by bible thumpers"- that pretty much sums it up