dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok thanx for the video on the details on anthony weiner's laptop.

i figured details on the clinton foundation money laundering would be on it, which it was but not sex crimes...

who... knew that he had a bomb of data (his so-called insurance policy) waiting to go off.
All Politicians are luciferians and 33 Degree Masons. Nobody can get elected unless they posses a place in the secret order of Free Masonry. That includes all Presidents including Trump. Even on the local levels many Judges, City Council members and Chiefs of Police are free Masons. These people are hateful dirty and play a game of deception to the people like no other. They own large corporations, they run the banking system, they make our laws, they run the entertainment industry. Our whole lives are influenced by these pricks. It's not a conspiracy or Tin Foil Hat bullshit it's a fucking fact. If you walk with these people and adhere to their beliefs you're walking lock step with the forces of evil.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you think trump is a mason?
LexusLover's Avatar

Covid-19 ain't so bad.
you think trump is a mason? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I have my suspicions.

Covid-19 ain't so bad. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have my suspicions. Originally Posted by Levianon17
As you noted, there are conspiracy theories that all Presidents and many many upper officials are Masons and influencing everthing.

There is however only confirmation of a smaller subset of Presidents as having actually been confirmed Masons. Reagan and I think a few others were given honorary membership, but never actually ran through the process and Jefferson was largely suspected to be one but never proven.

I'm not sure I see someone like Carter, Clinton, Kennedy(maybe though?), or Obama ever having been a Mason.
As you noted, there are conspiracy theories that all Presidents and many many upper officials are Masons and influencing everthing.

There is however only confirmation of a smaller subset of Presidents as having actually been confirmed Masons. Reagan and I think a few others were given honorary membership, but never actually ran through the process and Jefferson was largely suspected to be one but never proven.

I'm not sure I see someone like Carter, Clinton, Kennedy(maybe though?), or Obama ever having been a Mason. Originally Posted by eccielover
Maybe some presidents aren't or haven't been practicing Free Masons. But the Secret Society of the Free Mason as it's often referred to as has a great influence over the political scene. It's about Money and Power and many Presidents including the ones you mentioned are possibly Free Mason Puppets. Sounds like a conspiracy but it maybe the reality of the Political scene. Our thinking and views are influenced by what we see from the media not so much from what we witness and experience. For instance the Main Stream Media in reference to this Pandemic is telling us our Health Care System is overwhelmed with Covid-19 Patients. Doctors and Nurses are being inundated with high volume of cases and equipment and supplies are in short hand. Then individuals are going around filming Hospitals and Emergency Rooms and finding very little activity to support the Media's claim. I would venture to say that 25% of what we hear about this Pandemic is true and accurate. The other 75% is total fear mongering and bullshit. Haven't you notice they keep moving up the "Stay at Home Order" just when it's about to expire, Why? Their explanation is to lessen the spread of the virus. They can go on and on with that as long as they want to and they'll still put out stats on cases and deaths. The more we stay shelter in place the more cases and deaths will appear until they are ready to move on. Those are things that are done by design.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-30-2020, 11:22 AM
You have spammed every forum now. Whats next? You gonna pop up a table and chairs with those Tarot cards?
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's on the Dollar Bill with the words "Annuit Coeptis" over it and the words" Novus Ordo Seclorum" below. Do you know what it means?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That's on the Dollar Bill with the words "Annuit Coeptis" over it and the words" Novus Ordo Seclorum" below. Do you know what it means? Originally Posted by Levianon17

Annuit Coeptis = our undertakings

Novus Ordo Seclorum = New order of the ages
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Lotsa tinfoil hats being worn on this thread!
Was Judah Benjamin a Free Mason?