Jerry Bledsoe RN

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Search engine: Jerry Bledsoe RN
Wonder why it doesn't show up on LSM sites??

"By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism" - VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an 'Act of Terrorism'

To Whom It May Concern:

I write this letter to explain the reasoning behind my refusal to comply with the protocols and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration in performing my duties as a Registered Nurse as it pertains to coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19). This letter will provide insight to my position, as well as solutions that I believe to be reasonable and appropriate actions. Actions that, I believe and hope you will agree, provide improved patient outcomes and the best possible solution to defeat COVID-19.

As an employee of the Fayetteville VA, I have placed the safety and wellbeing of my patients and coworkers often ahead of my own. In times of active shooters or mental health crisis’s I never questioned doing the right thing to protect those around me and at this time, I feel that my actions are needed to ensure that we do the right thing for our families, patients, and peers.

Merriam-Webster’s definition of terror, terrorism, and coerce are as follows:

#1: Terror (noun):

A state of intense and overwhelming fear. Violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon. A very frightening or terrifying aspect

#2: Terrorism (noun):

The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion

#3: Coerce (transitive verb):
To compel to an act or choice. To achieve by force or threat. To restrain or dominate by force.

Based on the definitions provided above, I believe that by complying with the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Veteran Administration I would be participating in terrorism. The guidelines set forth, create an environment of fear or terror through faulty PCR testing, withholding of or limiting prophylactic or early treatment, the use of harmful medications for inpatient treatment and vaccine mandates to compel or coerce the population into taking an experimental vaccination. This is a violation of the Nuremburg Code, and I believe it to be terrorism.

Maybe look up the link above or elsewhere to read the rest of his letter. Lots of good links to back up specific points he makes deeper in the letter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So where on the "LSM" did you look for this? Didn't see it on Fox either.

Male nurse.

Go figure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So where on the "LSM" did you look for this? Didn't see it on Fox either.

Male nurse.

Go figure. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

why don't you look? i'm sure you've heard of googie search, right?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
why don't you look? i'm sure you've heard of googie search, right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually, and I realize it to be wasted effort now; I listed a search string to use. But then I thought, heck, why not include an active link to one article at no additional charge? Because two methods are better than one. My bad for not compensating adequately for the mentally impaired. That's why some people should wear a helmet more often to reduce the chance of traumatic brain injuries. One does not bounce back from them easily.

But no, I've never heard of goog-i-e search