Every bloody Sheila has kids.

australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Well, the Aussie is back at the dating scene and many sheilias had potential. Only problem is, they all have kids. Call me selfish, but I don't want someone's else's responsibility.

So, I had a few dates. Some in their early 30s to mid 40s. 3 of them had kids in there 20s and the pussified them beyond belief. One of the kids was an alcoholic and the date had to be cut short because he was to drunk to drive. I was asked if we could leave and pick him up. Instead, I dropped her off at her house and told her this wasn't going to work out.

Second date was going great until the baby sitter called and said her 3 year old daughter was running a fever. I took her home and told her it wasn't going to work out.

Many other dates followed with how their kids still lived at home, can't find job, high school and college drop outs or just plan lazy.

The Aussie is 44 and has turned to match.com and a few other sites. I narrowed the playing field. Hell, I don't want to take on anymore problems in my life. Having 2 boys of my own, both successful I don't need the drama of other kids. Besides, I'm semi retired now. Ranching, part time engineering and travel is what my plan are.

Just for the record, if you have kids doesn't mean your damaged good, it's just the fact, they're not relationship material for the Aussie.

For the record, the last date I had. She called me an Anal retentive asshole. Oh well, I drank alone that night.
When I was your age. Even hit it off really well with one who had a son in 3rd grade. Hot didn't do justice to her looks either. My friends were like "Dayum, how'd you end up with her, you lucky dog." She demanded CG and would get hers in less than 5 minutes and the rest of the night was all about pleasing me with anything I wanted to do. Only problem was her doting on the son constantly who also was constantly trying to sabotage me/her wanting his daddy back home. She had even been married a second time between.

We had started dating when her won was with his dad on a month long vacation. Everything changed upon his return.

And that was the best of them.
Aussie I have run into the same problem and I feel the same way. Its not that I don't like kids I have just raised enough and don't want to repeat the process. Nothing wrong with holding your boundaries. That could lead to lots of bullshit later if you didn't
And that's why we have what I believe to be GFE......

Part time GF, no attachements, no problems.

Well, the Aussie is back at the dating scene and many sheilias had potential. Only problem is, they all have kids. Call me selfish, but I don't want someone's else's responsibility.

So, I had a few dates. Some in their early 30s to mid 40s. 3 of them had kids in there 20s and the pussified them beyond belief. One of the kids was an alcoholic and the date had to be cut short because he was to drunk to drive. I was asked if we could leave and pick him up. Instead, I dropped her off at her house and told her this wasn't going to work out.

Second date was going great until the baby sitter called and said her 3 year old daughter was running a fever. I took her home and told her it wasn't going to work out.

Many other dates followed with how their kids still lived at home, can't find job, high school and college drop outs or just plan lazy.

The Aussie is 44 and has turned to match.com and a few other sites. I narrowed the playing field. Hell, I don't want to take on anymore problems in my life. Having 2 boys of my own, both successful I don't need the drama of other kids. Besides, I'm semi retired now. Ranching, part time engineering and travel is what my plan are.

Just for the record, if you have kids doesn't mean your damaged good, it's just the fact, they're not relationship material for the Aussie.

For the record, the last date I had. She called me an Anal retentive asshole. Oh well, I drank alone that night. Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Hell, getting laid is no problem. My accent does it all. Like I said, I'm 44 semi retired and looking for a Sheila with no kids.

I'll take a 24 year old right out nursing school, she might come in handy. I still travel frequently. Mostly Australia and South America. A little arm candy might be what the Aussie needs. Hell, grandkids would be nice.
Man, I feel you on this one. Nothing wrong with kids but can the older ones at least be self suffficent and not dependent 20 somethings? I left my dad's house at 18 and never went back. Wanted to make my own way!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Millenials. It's now a gimme, I want free college, free rent, free check and its mom and dad fault for bringing me into this world that I wasn't asked to be in.

They're are a few good kids out there.

I agree with all comments. I'm at the stage in my life were I don't want to take on the responsibility of a child, who is biologically not mine.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
And that's why we have what I believe to be GFE......

Part time GF, no attachements, no problems. Originally Posted by Katymarie
After awhile it's gets expensive, especially if you want to travel. GFE is all fun and games. One hour at a time.
I wouldn't mind gfe, to have dinner or drinks before OTC . It would make things more enjoyable I think.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I bet your mom's were glad you probably came absolutely first. The best women are strong women. Men have to come second. Sorry guys. Xxoo annie
I raised my own siblings by myself and three step children. Some men do take care of their responsibilities. Children always come first, but enabling an adult child to not be responsible for themselves is just codependency.
I wouldn't mind gfe, to have dinner or drinks before OTC . It would make things more enjoyable I think. Originally Posted by stockn2468
I've met a couple of providers I would have like to take out but they show their face in their showcase which I've never understood if they've been acknowledged to be good looking women. Can't risk it
  • Hojo
  • 09-22-2016, 06:38 PM
Not to be captain obvious but if the shielas all have kids wouldn't all the blokes have kids too? i.e. your two? Maybe, just maybe you're looking in the wrong direction.
dating a girl named BJ and never getting one. Oh, she could fuck, but no head. It didn't last long.
I wouldn't mind gfe, to have dinner or drinks before OTC . It would make things more enjoyable I think. Originally Posted by stockn2468
I've done that quite a few times with regulars.....