How does it feel to impregnant a woman?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, I was curious. I've never asked a man this. Ever. Well, I did this weekend but that was the first time. And I wanted to know is there a certain type of "feeling" that a man gets when he finds out that he has made a woman pregnant.

And this is one of those all over the map type of questions. It can apply to something a man desires, or doesn't or didn't.

When I asked a man about this just recently, he chuckled, kissed me and changed the subject. I guess that I have to go to a place where people will discuss ANYTHING to get an interesting answer! Or any answer!

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-12-2010, 11:32 AM
A total game changer the first time. Proud, scared, excited, hopeful, protective, responsible and oh yes, a stud.
Well, first of all, you don't know it's happening at the time that it happens. You only find out after wards. So, during the act, it is probably just like any other roll in the hay unless there are overriding feelings. Guys, I think, are much baser about sex, and much more into rutting than the ladies. So ladies may have different feelings about this.

I think for most guys, finding out she is pregnant is somewhat of a surprise. So the reactions from men are probably somewhat disappointing to the ladies involved. I know of a couple that tried for months to get pregnant w/o success. Then when she did get pregnant, I'm sure it was a surprise. I also know a couple that got pregnant on their honeymoon night. It basically ruined their marriage because there was never a time they were without kids. That was a surprise also.

With me, we hadn't been trying hard, but we had been engaging in sex for 5 years (1 of which was w/o birth control) when the news came. I was stunned, and the SO was not happy w/ my reaction. She wanted elation and joy. Those feelings set in after I had a chance to digest that we were pregnant. But the first reaction was shock, which she read as disapproval.

I think women have men at a disadvantage because they have a longer time to adjust to the news. I think they suspect long before they give the news to the guy, and do so only after it is confirmed by science. So the lady has already adjusted somewhat when the guy first hears the news.

Other things that may play into it: is the guy unsure he is really the father, or could it be someone else? Are the parties married or SO to others? Was it a one night stand (in this respect you gotta see Fools Rush In)? Lots of other dynamics are possible...
The mind starts racing, a cold sweat breaks out, you pretty much go into panic mode. After several drinks, you realize that it's no big deal. She has already been on the Maury Povich show nine times and the odds of you actually being the father are really slim at this point.

Rudyard K's Avatar
For most? I’d say it is varying degrees of “Oh, Shit!”
Factors that would vary the degree of “Oh, Shit!”?…

Married or unmarried?
If not married, love the gal or just sport’n?
Guy’s age at conception?
Guy’s financial stability and wherewithal?
Trying to have a kid or just getting laid?

Even if you’re married, committed to your wife, in your 20’s or 30’s, have a good income and have been trying to have kids…if the fact that you are now going to have one doesn’t sober you up a bit, then you just don’t understand the commitment.

Take some of those perfect facts out…and mix in a bit more “real life”…and the “Oh, Shit!” factor increases exponentially.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-12-2010, 01:39 PM
It's like a bowl of extra hot chili on cold wintery dream about throwing it down but dread it coming out.

I reluctantly agree with RK, to many variables on this one to give an honest answer
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
For most? I’d say it is varying degrees of “Oh, Shit!”
Factors that would vary the degree of “Oh, Shit!”?…

Married or unmarried?
If not married, love the gal or just sport’n?
Guy’s age at conception?
Guy’s financial stability and wherewithal?
Trying to have a kid or just getting laid?

Even if you’re married, committed to your wife, in your 20’s or 30’s, have a good income and have been trying to have kids…if the fact that you are now going to have one doesn’t sober you up a bit, then you just don’t understand the commitment.

Take some of those perfect facts out…and mix in a bit more “real life”…and the “Oh, Shit!” factor increases exponentially. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I can understand the "oh crap" factor pretty well. Women feel that way, too, most of the time or that is my guess. I can't speak for most but it's not this warm and fuzzy feeling. Maybe warm and funny...sometimes sick feeling of dread. Again, like you said above, real life factors into the reaction quite a bit.

But with the response of oden, does it make you feel that you could go and impregnate say ... a small village? Does the sense of fathering a child make you feel like you have more personal power from within?


P.S. WTF, What does "IDK E" mean?
Rudyard K's Avatar
recuntantly Originally Posted by WTF
Freudian slip, WTF?
Rudyard K's Avatar
P.S. WTF, What does "IDK E" mean? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I'm guesing..."I Don't Know, Elizabeth"
For me whenever I see someone prego or a little baby of late. I have this yearning desire to settle down and start a family, its almost like my biological clock is ticking.
I know I am not ready (financially or emotionally) for a little baby or to take care of the mom to be.

That said if it did happen I would be happy scared and do what I can to be supportive to the mother of my child.
I impregnate a woman every time I "do it." It's just that *most* of the time there are things to block the way of my sperm.
  • hd
  • 07-12-2010, 02:47 PM
Main Entry: 1im·preg·nate
Pronunciation: \im-ˈpreg-ˌnāt, ˈim-ˌ\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): im·preg·nat·ed; im·preg·nat·ing
Etymology: Late Latin impraegnatus, past participle of impraegnare, from Latin in- + praegnas pregnant
Date: 1605
1 a : to cause to be filled, imbued, permeated, or saturated <impregnate wood with varnish> b : to permeate thoroughly
2 : to make pregnant : fertilize

I hate to think of it as varnishing my woody, but I digress, at the actual moment of im·preg·nat·ing, I have an overwhelming primal feeling of completing what nature has programed us to do.

Then as I walk out the door, wishing I had enough $$ to go on to the next, I decide to go home and turn on my laptop and browse.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-12-2010, 03:06 PM
Freudian slip, WTF? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I suppose so!

IDK E means exactly as he supposes, RK is two for two today. (Or in case PJ the grammar cop is writing tickets today , "RK is too fer to twoday.")
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The four kids I have were all planned. The first three have birthdays 4 days apart and #4 came a week early.
The wife knew when she was fertile so each time we knew it was making a baby experience. It was awesome but I didn't consider myself a stud but rather that she was super fertile.
discreetgent's Avatar
But with the response of oden, does it make you feel that you could go and impregnate say ... a small village? Does the sense of fathering a child make you feel like you have more personal power from within? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers