Be a gentleman on the treadmill

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  • 07-21-2010, 03:04 AM
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I'm sure there are a few leftist on this board that agree with the writings of the holy progressive church.
However most of us God fearing U.S. Citizens won't partake in the Great Whore's sacramental pablum.

Having a job and/or owning a business or property has a chance to hurt you or make you a slave so it's better that you don't?
It's interesting that Progressives and Anarchists are 180 degrees apart in governmental roles but some of the Anarchists beliefs are peppered in here. Seriously, it's elitist propaganda written by those who don't do or can't do so they live off of others sweat and their only gauge of success is the accolades of their peers.
Rudyard K's Avatar
While the article moves all over the page, I think the general premise is probably least to the extent he is analyzing motivations.

Everyone has motivations...and, with the exception of very few people, a great deal of those motivations are self serving.

As my byline says, society simply needs to recognize those motivations and try to shape the rules to harness those motivations for the betterment of society. This is best accomplished without moral judgement of those motivations. Other than in a religious sense...greed, ego, envy, etc...are neither good or bad emotions and motivations. They simply exist. Trying to moralize them is like trying to moralize lust. It assumes you can teach away that emotion. IMHO, you can't. No matter how far down in your soul you push the is still there...linguring...trying to get out.

The rule shapers need to recognize the motivations at every level of citizen, and to the fullest extent possible, shape the rules to allow that motivation to flourish, while at the same time harnessing its energy for the most good of society. That does not mean a boundless world...there must be boundaries. But there is much we can all agree on if we simply take the moral bitching out of the mix.

We spend way to much time discussing who is moral and who is not.
John Bull's Avatar
In years gone by I used to use a sales trainor in my company who expoused the view that a salesman should always over extend himself for then he would work more and close harder. If this guy knew that he was taking a thought from that most capitalistic profession - sales - he'd probably be mortified.
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  • 07-22-2010, 02:03 AM
While the article moves all over the page Originally Posted by Rudyard K