Another Traveling Thief 806-496-8473

  • cajun
  • 04-26-2020, 12:07 AM
Made contact with her and we reached an agreement which included a moderate good faith deposit. I forewarned her that I would write this notice if she did not show, and here we are... I have had pretty good luck lately, even giving deposits for travel, but there are always bad apples in the bunch. Her listed cell number is 806-496-8473. Her ad:

I listed her number in the title line because it triggers the Google search that Pretty stupid what some will risk for a small amount of money...
  • cajun
  • 04-26-2020, 06:20 AM
Meant to post in S'Port forum. I was in Louisiana and posted in the first Coed section...
That sucks man. I don't want to say never pay a deposit, but you need to make sure she's hella reputable and you could ruin her business if she acts stupid.

These women don't care if they are just going to do a new ad every week and clean up.
This really sucks man. Why do people think ripping guys off is the answer.

Just do the job you're paid for.
I wish you lots of luck.

Sorry for your luck. That's no way to treat people at all.
  • cajun
  • 05-01-2020, 11:07 AM
Just posting on here for redundancy... Seems this girl may have a "friend" that masked her number on my post even though her number is plain as day in her ad. I posted in in the title of my post to make it easier to search for on Google... I have done this a few times before with absolutely NO problems...
Speak your peace bro. White knights and mandles be damned
myren1900's Avatar
I never understood why Eccie prevents us from posting scammer's phone numbers that have been posted in public on other sites.

I never understood why Eccie prevents us from posting scammer's phone numbers that have been posted in public on other sites.

Originally Posted by myren1900
They do? That's crazy. I understand a private number not already listed, but...🙄
annie@christophers's Avatar
Had same for allotta years cc..
gimme_that's Avatar
If a travel fee is lost I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Its a very small price to pay for realizing someone is an unsavory and knowing they aren’t worth you time.

To an unknown lady with no rep I’d only prepay the amount of gas needed to get to me. Anything past that with the advent of instant apps is a scam. Doing this multiple times a day is some ladies bread an bitter on unsuspecting gents. If more of us didn’t tolerate it at all they wouldn’t try to ask. On both sides it’s an associated risk. So I’d in turn ask for specific naked pics.

Usually if they do that the travel fee is safe. If they don’t or won’t they definitely not coming.
  • cajun
  • 06-25-2020, 05:46 PM
This shit drives me crazy! Karma is a bitch!
Sorry you had this happen.

239-232-9319 Originally Posted by cajun

So sorry this happened to you. God does NOT like ugly...
