The Hobby: 99% Research, 1% Screwing

I am really getting worn out trying to decide who is real and who isn't. I go between Joplin and Springfield for my work and i'm finding out most time when i do have an opportunity to party with a nice provider the research is so obnoxious just to find out if some one is a) Real b) Quality c) provides the experience i want d) has the look i want (and i'm not overly picky): that I usually just go out to the bar and take back an average to above average girl from 22-40.......There are problems with that though, they keep calling, they want to go on dates, they want you to go out with them and their friends next time I'm in town....blah blah blah. It gets tiring trying to sort out the "Strange" after a while......ya dig?

I know there are girls UTR or new providers that will actually be good, but don't have reviews because they are new......there just has to be a better way, i never really see the same girl twice no matter what......unless it's just retarded out of this world amazing......There needs to be some provider mentoring program where some of our good girls can teach the new girls how to act and verify them for us. I know thats against the best interest of business but a guy can dream right?
I posted a similar sentiment. Seriously it is great and necessary to do your research, but you are so right. I guarantee I could go out and hook up faster with the real world ladies, but that comes with the problems you outline. So it is quite possible that there really just isnt the quality and quantity down here to see a different lady every so often that meets your taste.

I suppose there are some UTR ladies in the area, but who knows. I think it would be hard to be too UTR because like you I dont see the same people often. So you would think that they would have to come on board once in awhile to find new friends. Maybe there arent any. I am picky and that makes it all that more difficult.

Like my dad used to tell me when I was young, you couldnt get layed with a $50 bill in a whore house. Maybe he was right.

I am really getting worn out trying to decide who is real and who isn't. I go between Joplin and Springfield for my work and i'm finding out most time when i do have an opportunity to party with a nice provider the research is so obnoxious just to find out if some one is a) Real b) Quality c) provides the experience i want d) has the look i want (and i'm not overly picky): that I usually just go out to the bar and take back an average to above average girl from 22-40.......There are problems with that though, they keep calling, they want to go on dates, they want you to go out with them and their friends next time I'm in town....blah blah blah. It gets tiring trying to sort out the "Strange" after a while......ya dig?

I know there are girls UTR or new providers that will actually be good, but don't have reviews because they are new......there just has to be a better way, i never really see the same girl twice no matter what......unless it's just retarded out of this world amazing......There needs to be some provider mentoring program where some of our good girls can teach the new girls how to act and verify them for us. I know thats against the best interest of business but a guy can dream right? Originally Posted by tlminspfld
Tall Bill's Avatar
You guys are so right. Research is our friend. Research, Google and then find out that my Joplin/Springfield schedule doesn't match the provider's. Back to square one.
while more expensive you may want to try
while more expensive you may want to try Originally Posted by Sugar_Daddy
My experience is there are a lot of fake profiles, but there are also real people.
My experience is there are a lot of fake profiles, but there are also real people. Originally Posted by jasonwoo80
Yes very true. but once in awhile one will rock your world.
  • Mrzip
  • 11-28-2012, 03:25 PM
Paige Passion and Star are both in Springfield now. I haven't seen Star in several months but she was nice time and very attractive if you like a young AA.
2 others posted here both appear to be legit. One is not GFE the other is, so things are picking up. If you see JessicaMArie or Sweet silly post a review. Jessica would be more my type from what I can see but no kissing isn't worth it for me. The other Sweet certainly has some good reviews but it is so hit and miss for me with Blondes and whether I am attractied to them I am passing
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
The main problem I have run across when "mentoring" is that there is not ONE girl I have introduced this hobby to which have been stand-up girls in the end. At first, they seem nice and worth my time (and it takes a LOT to teach all the ins and outs) but when they get the first taste of that success and money, greed gets the best of them. They try to steal, lie, trash talk, or any other combination of nasty acts to be one step ahead. Again, not a single girl of the 6 I have tried to be good to have ended up being a legitly decent girl both in the hobby and in their personal character. Character is what you do when no one is looking.... And it can make or break a mentoring relationship.

I prefer not to mentor any longer. I also have stopped posting on bp and this has reduced the amount of times I have been contacted for "friendly" advice. I have my core group of previously validated providers I interact with... And I keep tabs on those who have a vendetta against me. One in particular was hemmed up several months ago in Omaha on a pandering charge.... Her "girl" was caught and snitched on her. Her "dude" refused to help her (there's no bail in Omaha, anyhow) and now I see the girl posting in the area again. If I hadn't had such a vicious falling out with them (they just used me, anyhow) then I would have been caught up, too, as im sure I would have been snitched on as well.

Point is, it's just too hard and dangerous to put one's name out there with girls of unknown or questionable quality. I trusted these girls because they had a plethora of positive reviews and seemed well-established. Boy, was I terribly wrong on their character!! Just can't judge a book by it's cover (or reviews)! Lesson learned!

That being said.... I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday of whatever type is celebrated and I'm interested to know what your awesome plans for nye are ;-)
Miss Godiva's Avatar
Well said Makayla! I will not take any chances anymore and two they are ruin your name and potentially your life.