NCNS by kara/emmaalready/Bridgette

Set up appointment text i was 30 min away she said ok Got there text that i was there nothing waited 15 min text again still nothing.I had a plan B set that up. An hour later i text thanking her for wasting my time never did get a response.
  • Mrzip
  • 03-06-2013, 09:26 AM
  • loboy
  • 03-06-2013, 09:41 AM
Verified providers with NCNS isn't good
  • Mrzip
  • 03-06-2013, 11:05 AM
It shows she logged in on P411 today.
She did call and say she was sorry after she heard she got a NCNS post about her
She NCNS me about two weeks ago appears maybe this is what she does best.
  • loboy
  • 03-06-2013, 05:00 PM
She did call and say she was sorry after she heard she got a NCNS post about her
Originally Posted by flyinghillbilly
Afterwards ehh...hmm....
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  • tml
  • 03-06-2013, 05:46 PM
Gentlemen, may I submit the suggestion that - perhaps - we REALLY need to stop wasting time/energy on this one.

When she's good, she's only okay at best, anyway.....and frankly, when she's off, she's piss poor at best....and scary at worst.
HW's Avatar
  • HW
  • 03-06-2013, 05:58 PM
She's always done me right..... and I've actually seen her quite a few times.
Thank u all 4 your support!!! I love u all. Beware my HATER's I ALWAYS outshine u!!!
Stay blessed
I don't think anyone here hates you, I don't. But when we have the time & are willing to spend money to see you we appreciate a little dependability & common courtesy when you can't fulfill your end of the arrangement.& we rarely get that from you. All we ask is that you be a pro,you could do that with just a little more effort.
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  • tml
  • 03-10-2013, 01:06 PM
I don't "hate" you either. In fact, I didn't have any complaints about our session once we got down to the activities. To Copul8ter's might want to lay off the up-selling (which is my biggest beef against you from our 1 and only session). We didn't really "click" together, at least not the first time, and yet, if I saw consistency out of you based on the posts here, I still might be inclined to call you for another session at some point in the future.

As for me - we'll see about that. But I can guarantee you one thing......if you'll simply provide a quality service with consistency and professionalism every time, I think you'll be surprised to find that all of the "haters" magically go away.

(And just to show I'm not a "hater," but rather, I'm actually trying to help, here - a little tip. In your ad, you say "formally Kara"......I'm pretty sure you meant "formerly Kara."
  • loboy
  • 03-11-2013, 02:21 PM
Same here I'm more upset and disappointed but oh well
I was really hoping she would appear here , admit she has had shortcomings & appreciates the constructive criticism & will make honest effort to do better going forward.
But her silence only shows a continuing disregard for her clients & exhibits a clear arrogance I thought she may even offer an olive branch & do something special for the wronged parties here , just my wishful thinking. Oh well no real harm done to anyone.
I'm out of here, have meet with nice lady in the am that I have seen several times, she always performs & is a sweetie..
I thank u all 4 giving me tips and pointers! I am not mad by any means. I'm just a busy young lady. I'm goin 2 take your advice and turn myself into the BEST Lil provider! Loboy if u don't bad mouth me. Dial my # and u may come and c me! My apologies with the stalker boyfriend! Since that night I have filed a restraining order against that asshole! So he will not be bothering me. Again so sorry u had 2 go thru that.