caption this plane 2

normalguy21's Avatar

Damm valet GUY!!
alpha centauri's Avatar
Cleared to FL410...
Unrestricted approved. Report at Fl 40...

Have a nice ride.

( side note... I was stationed in Guam, the F-15's from Kadena, Japan would fly in twice a month, we got an Airshow each trip ... Awesome noise and speed)
tia travels's Avatar
Oh what a feeling...Toy OH ta! (He's jumping for joy)
dtymh55's Avatar
This sure beats walking!
GuySmiley's Avatar
Um, Frank, you know this isn't a Harrier jump jet, right?!
Jump bitch.
RandB fan's Avatar
Makes my C63 AMG black feel like a little red wagon on a hill
I sure hope I don't have another premature ejection.