
Is there a thread anywhere that explains how the search feature works? For example, how do I search for threads that have two keywords in them (I've tried adding "and" and it doesn't work)? how about a particular phrase (I've tried putting the phrase in quotes and it doesn't work)? how about wildcards at the beginning and end of words (I've tried searching for phone numbers by using a wildcard around the last four digits [e.g. *1234*] and it doesn't work)?
Any help here?
Suite270's Avatar
...Interesting... I did a telephone number search to find (if any) reviews, and it came back with 2,500+ hits.

Search criteria was the phone number: 214-555-1212 and then the same in quotes. Something wrong with the search engine on ECCIE?
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 03-19-2010, 01:43 PM
I was just about to ask the same question. I seem to get just a ridiculous number of hits trying to search for phone numbers. The threads/posts matched don't seem to actually have the number in them.
ferdburf's Avatar
Did you try searching for "search"? Just kidding, of course!
chipper's Avatar
I have no idea of how to help you but I have called in the Big Guns. Sorry we haven't gotten you the answer sooner.

try the two words ie: tara evans
works for me
I'm having the same problem searching for phone numbers. Searching for 214-560-8741 brings up 1,928 irrelevant results, including this thread. I've noticed the problem for 3-4 days.
sp, I think your search is pulling up anything with tara or evans in it. Not that many irrelevant threads because apparently not a lot of other providers are named either tara or evans. Try searching for a provider with a common first and last name. You pull up lots of irrelevant threads because there is no way (at least none I know of or that's been suggested here) to combine two terms.

I typed in angelina adams, then selected Austin independent reviews.
And your search picked up every thread with EITHER Angelina or Adams in that forum.

Try typing in Taylor, Kisses in the Dallas forums and see what you get.

Not particularly useful.
Well it's about as refined as I can expect, search looks through the entire data base. I agree that it is not 100% but its good enough for my need to hunt for starnge.
gptxman's Avatar
Well it's about as refined as I can expect, search looks through the entire data base. I agree that it is not 100% but its good enough for my need to hunt for starnge. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
It's too bad, I guess all of us guys are use to the way most search engines work on the web so we can use " " marks etc. to refine our searches as needed.

I use it with limited success. Sometimes it finds me exactly what I am looking for and sometimes it pulls up so much that I close it and give up since I don't have the time to look through that much info. I can only hope that one day the search feature can be modified to allow us to preform more accurate searches.
The problem is with phone numbers only. SP, try searching Tara's phone number. I searched my own and got 102 pages, my phone number is not in any of them on the first page at least.

It's like it picks up any post with any of the numbers in the phone number I searched.
Unfortunately, with a phone number, it is a text search, and the engine picks it up as individual characters. No real good way, as the database is not indexed to do a phone number search. I have made a few suggestions that may help, but it is a programming / database thing.