got premium access, now search is screwed.

  • brush
  • 03-27-2010, 11:40 AM
Ok, something wierd is going on here.

Last night I did a search for a BP girl (searched bykeyword "214-434-0351"). Exactly ONE result came up:

THEN, I wanted to read the whole review, so I finally broke down and got Premium Access. After going through the payment process, I came back to eccie and searched again (same number), and this time got 2,067 results. None of which appear to contain that number.

Since then, the search function has been completely useless to me. I even typed in crazy terms like "vonnegut" and "hitchhiker", and I get several (if not dozens) of results, which appear to be randomly generated (when I search each of those posts with my browser's search function, it can't find those terms on the page). I even searched eccie for my own private phone number, and got over 2,000 results!!!

So.... what's going on here?
GneissGuy's Avatar
Try searching for just 0351. Not perfect, but better. Someone in Arkansas has the same last 4 digits.