how long does it take to get a review moderated and an email answered?

HammockedHank's Avatar
it has been 5 days and no answer on my review. two days after posting and no answer i sent an email to all 3 moderators listed for this forum and 2 didn't open the mail and one did. but one who did hasn't said shit in 3 days.

how can you be a moderator and not open your mail? not reply to questions politely asked? what's the hold up fellas?
We are still evaluating your review.
Samcro84's Avatar
Comments after review should give you an answer

I call BS
HammockedHank's Avatar
and i call bs on your bs.
HammockedHank's Avatar
and i think that if i hadn't posted in such a manner that people labeled me some other dude then it would already be approved.
Nope. Your review was hanging there a few days before I said you were Rick.

Several comments before mine called BS on that review.
Samcro84's Avatar
Your review does not meet the requirements. You are not giving us the things that a review should include.

Do it right and I bet you will get a PM.
HammockedHank's Avatar
Your review does not meet the requirements. You are not giving us

the things that a review should include.
. Originally Posted by travelerman
what are these things that are missing?
what are these things that are missing? Originally Posted by HammockedHank
davetheone's Avatar
Nope. Your review was hanging there a few days before I said you were Rick.

Several comments before mine called BS on that review. Originally Posted by Simon Riley

And you have no reviews nor Premium access to actually read review do you?????
Ya your legit?? LOL!! Survey say who are you???
HammockedHank's Avatar
maybe the mods should investigate to find out who's giving simon riley access to privileged information. what kind of operation they be running heah?

but not until they finish moderating my review and investigating whether i'm some persona non grata or not. i hope they finish before xmas. and the fundraiser for the austin hoser. i'd like to be able to fully spread the message.
And you have no reviews nor Premium access to actually read review do you?????
Ya your legit?? LOL!! Survey say who are you??? Originally Posted by davetheone
maybe the mods should investigate to find out who's giving simon riley access to privileged information. what kind of operation they be running heah?

but not until they finish moderating my review and investigating whether i'm some persona non grata or not. i hope they finish before xmas. and the fundraiser for the austin hoser. i'd like to be able to fully spread the message. Originally Posted by HammockedHank
Oh boy, you guys are dense.
davetheone's Avatar
I love it when dense people use futile attempts to reflect themselves on normal people. Show's how DENSE they really are. Good job SR here is a cookie.
I love it when dense people use futile attempts to reflect themselves on normal people. Show's how DENSE they really are. Good job SR here is a cookie. Originally Posted by davetheone
HammockedHank's Avatar
can you two take your flirting somewhere else please? it's getting fucking annoying already.

another day scratched off the calendar.