"I was afraid for my life!"

  • shanm
  • 04-07-2015, 08:35 PM

There you go. Good ol' police work in action. Not once, not twice but EIGHT times!

My guess is, if the video didn't exist, the entire Klan would be up in arms over this officers sentencing.
The video will certainly make prosecution easier, but even without it, forensics would have proven that the officer was lying. He was shot in the back, so that makes his fear of his life defense a little awkward. Further, the video shows the guy was running away, which forensics would also have been able to determine due to a lack of stippling on his clothes or around the gunshot wounds.

So no, even without the video, my guess is this officer was fucked anyways. But nice try.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I thought from the title of the thread that DSK had found you.
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 12:55 AM
The video will certainly make prosecution easier, but even without it, forensics would have proven that the officer was lying. He was shot in the back, so that makes his fear of his life defense a little awkward. Further, the video shows the guy was running away, which forensics would also have been able to determine due to a lack of stippling on his clothes or around the gunshot wounds.

So no, even without the video, my guess is this officer was fucked anyways. But nice try. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

uh-huh. right. "forensics". Sure. yeah. "forensics". yeah. that's it. "forensics".

I'm sure you place unequivocal trust in the forensic sciences, and no amount of political dogma would have affected your viewpoint. As usual, repubtard hindsight is full 20-20!

I guess you missed the part where the officer tried to deliberately plant the stun gun on the victim, and claimed "I feared for my life" after the victim tried to run away from him. No surprise the victim was black either.

So many issues at play here. Overreach of authority, unjustified use of excessive violence, unnecessary arming of LE, possible racial bias. And your takeaway from that is that "the officer was fucked anyways". Please tell us more about how your political beliefs have nothing to do with the way you think.

BTW, I said "Klan members" and you bristled. Does that mean you have appointed yourself the matriarchal Klan leader?
If so, will you be taking lodgings in the (previously known as) patriarchal suite? Where will LLIdiot be sleeping from now on? Last I heard, his home under the I45 is no longer
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 12:58 AM
I thought from the title of the thread that DSK had found you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
DSK is a coward. That chickenshit wimp can't stand up to take a piss.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My question is this, what would possess a 50 year old man to run away from a cop who is taller, healthier, and 20 years younger? Everyone wanted to know why a gun on drugs would attack a cop in his car to get his gun....but the evidence confirmed that's what happened. Notice that this guy didn't even run away at high speed but at a fast job. What did the cop say to him that got him to run? What about the other cops who arrived on the scene? I didn't see any first aid or CPR. All I saw was them checking his pulse to see if he was still with us.

I know Sha-na-na is probably dying to go after conservatives because we side with cops but that is the myth. We like to side with right over wrong and most of the time the cop is right. In this case, without more evidence, the video is pretty damning.
uh-huh. right. "forensics". Sure. yeah. "forensics". yeah. that's it. "forensics".

I'm sure you place unequivocal trust in the forensic sciences, and no amount of political dogma would have affected your viewpoint. As usual, repubtard hindsight is full 20-20!

I guess you missed the part where the officer tried to deliberately plant the stun gun on the victim, and claimed "I feared for my life" after the victim tried to run away from him. No surprise the victim was black either.

So many issues at play here. Overreach of authority, unjustified use of excessive violence, unnecessary arming of LE, possible racial bias. And your takeaway from that is that "the officer was fucked anyways". Please tell us more about how your political beliefs have nothing to do with the way you think.

BTW, I said "Klan members" and you bristled. Does that mean you have appointed yourself the matriarchal Klan leader?
If so, will you be taking lodgings in the (previously known as) patriarchal suite? Where will LLIdiot be sleeping from now on? Last I heard, his home under the I45 is no longer Originally Posted by shanm
It all starts with the disproportionate number of stops versus white drivers. I've talked with several officers candidly and it's basically just an attitude of 'lets stop them, they might have something'. Even though, the numbers don't back that up. Their logic is this; this person is black, on every show and movie I see, they're the ones carrying contraband, etc., so I should stop them and search. Even though the percentage of whites carrying is a much higher percentage on a lower overall number of stops. It just doesn't add up. The people who say we don't have a problem are the people who think just like these cops do. I'm sorry, it's just the ugly truth. Any honest, open-minded individual can see that we have a problem and it needs to be addressed. Just the other day, after this guy gets shot in the back, there's a bunch of racist and homophobic emails being passed around by San Francisco PD. If you really want to see the problem, something like this happens nearly EVERY week, somewhere in America. Most people just choose not to see it. They're comfortable and they don't want to be bothered.
LexusLover's Avatar
It all starts with the disproportionate number of stops versus white drivers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You should probably examine the basis for the reporting of the stats, and I am talking about the justification for the "stop." Your personal "investigation" based on some officers bullshitting about their "screening" and "selection" more than likely is not representative of the majority of officers. It's anecdotal in nature at best. There are officers who are prejudice on a variety of levels or categories, just like there is in our society. I don't believe you can generalize from that fact to paint LE generally. Unfortunately the liberal media tries to support their criticism of LE based on some isolated incidents, rather than support LE based on some isolated incidents of unusual kindness and extraordinary bravery.

Although I recognize that it is "fashionable" to criticize LE so on a hooker board, when being a "bad boy" seems to be a technique explored to attract the attention (and perhaps a discount) from a "bad girl"!
Murder charges will be filed. The case will go through the system.

If found guilty, the cop should face the appropriate penalty prescribed by law.

This is the way the system is supposed to work. Let it.
DSK is a coward. That chickenshit wimp can't stand up to take a piss. Originally Posted by shanm
You hanging out at the Clarksville Bus Station bathroom again, toe-tapper?
I am sure there will be dumb liberals who argue that the solution is to disarm the cops.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am sure there will be dumb liberals who argue that the solution is to disarm the cops.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nope. But youre typical of the lunatics who want to pat them on the back for protecting us from who want to kill people...while they keep killing people...
LexusLover's Avatar
Nope. But youre typical of the lunatics who want to pat them on the back for protecting us from who want to kill people...while they keep killing people... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Would you rather wait until those "WHO WANT TO KILL PEOPLE" kill people?

Then you can warehouse them for the next 60-70 years on the taxpayer's dime?

Or do YOU WANT to give them the needle personally? Cops screwing you out of the chance?

Wipe your nose, it's running.
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 08:59 AM
My question is this, what would possess a 50 year old man to run away from a cop who is taller, healthier, and 20 years younger? Notice that this guy didn't even run away at high speed but at a fast job. What did the cop say to him that got him to run? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, because answering those questions will certainly justify the cop shooting an unarmed civilian in the back. Keep being a retard, JD. It suits you well.

We like to side with right over wrong and most of the time the cop is right. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Right, yeah, totally. You end up being on the cops side even before the "evidence" comes out.

I am sure there will be dumb liberals who argue that the solution is to disarm the cops. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Ask the families of the victims that question. I'm sure they will be "dumb liberals" by now even if they weren't before. Christ, you idiots don't understand the importance of life or death. It might not seem much to you, but it's an end-all tragedy to the ones involved. A person you've know your entire life is GONE. Either you have no idea how much that hurts, or you're suffering from retarded kool-aid poisoning.

You should probably examine the basis for the reporting of the stats, and I am talking about the justification for the "stop." Your personal "investigation" based on some officers bullshitting about their "screening" and "selection" more than likely is not representative of the majority of officers. It's anecdotal in nature at best. There are officers who are prejudice on a variety of levels or categories, just like there is in our society. I don't believe you can generalize from that fact to paint LE generally. Unfortunately the liberal media tries to support their criticism of LE based on some isolated incidents, rather than support LE based on some isolated incidents of unusual kindness and extraordinary bravery.

Although I recognize that it is "fashionable" to criticize LE so on a hooker board, when being a "bad boy" seems to be a technique explored to attract the attention (and perhaps a discount) from a "bad girl"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You should probably check your head. The Ferguson report proved that there was bias in determining the "screening" and "selection" of victims in the majority of police stops in Ferguson. Based on that, there is a very real possibility of the same happening in other cities as well. Please tell me how you are NOT on the side of cops when you make moronic statements like this one. Even if there is a slight possibility that the LE is acting rashly, we should be inspecting it and putting it down where ever possible. The police is here to protect and serve, not to terrorize the innocents.
Those "isolated incidents" are becoming more and more common each day. I'll give you an example. Look at this:

Police shot her a mere 15 seconds after arriving on the scene. Both officers were cleared of wrong doing.

Here's cops in the good ol' England stopping a deranged man with a knife:

Please, I would love to hear how these incidents are different. Or maybe you value the cops 30 seconds a little more than someones life.
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 09:02 AM
Here's another one