Heading up to Iowa this weekend, things are going on.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
James Webb, Martin O'Malley, and maybe Hillary are going to be in Iowa this weekend (I wonder why?) and I'm heading up there as well. Looks like Hillary is going to run for the nomination (be still my beating heart) of the democratic party. The socialist party is also considering her but Warren is a better choice for them. Of the three above, the moderate Webb is the best choice for the democrats but when have democrats chosen the best choice rather than the one mostly likely to win?

Anyway, I'll be wearing the American flag shirt (if the weather holds). See you in the funny papers.
Be sure and write a review on Hilary if you have a good time with her.
  • shanm
  • 04-10-2015, 12:55 PM
No one cares that you're going to suck some Iowan truckstop dick this weekend, you ass-wad.

Keep your BCD proclivities to yourself!
  • shanm
  • 04-10-2015, 01:44 PM

Anyway, I'll be wearing the American flag shirt (if the weather holds). See you in the funny papers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here's a preview of JDdumbass with his "American flag" at the Iowa rally

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Caught Webb at the Sullivan's Brothers Museum this morning. Broke up about an hour ago. Heading to Spicolis (I shit you not) for lunch. For Tampon, typical bullet points. National security, can't trust Iran, Russia, Hillary is not ready (preemptive shot) and he has foreign policy experience.
On a side note, leave to the liberal press to be everywhere. They arrested three men for some assaults and one of them carried a .22 caliber rifle that looked like a AR15. They're calling it an assault weapon...idiots! Time to go.
Caught Webb at the Sullivan's Brothers Museum this morning. Broke up about an hour ago. Heading to Spicolis (I shit you not) for lunch. For Tampon, typical bullet points. National security, can't trust Iran, Russia, Hillary is not ready (preemptive shot) and he has foreign policy experience.
On a side note, leave to the liberal press to be everywhere. They arrested three men for some assaults and one of them carried a .22 caliber rifle that looked like a AR15. They're calling it an assault weapon...idiots! Time to go. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why would you buy a .22 that looked like an assault rifle... unless you wanted people to think you had an assault rifle. Seems like being a pussy is more trouble than it's worth in this case.