Better late than never

BDevereaux's Avatar

Hello old friends and friends I haven't met. Just popping in to say hi, I'm good, no I haven't been lost at sea or incarcerated or anything like that. I've been making plans and going through some personal changes and such and just starting a new chapter getting ready for mid life.

I'm going for my second degree in health care starting next week and will be attending college full time (oh lord what have I gotten myself into!) but before I got too busy with that I just wanted to let y'all know I remember those that I've met and liked fondly. I know you haven't heard from me much over the past year or so and now that my schedule is going to be full with school and such I probably still won't be around much but hey... Love you guys and I wish yall the best. I still think of you even though I haven't been here much.

I hope it goes well for you Brandy. A late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
BDevereaux's Avatar
I miss you coming over just to drink a beer or two and shoot the shit Mr. Smith. Hope everything is going well for you too. We haven't been able to catch up in a while :-)
Great to hear from you Brandy and find out that all is well. Keep in contact from time to time. Good look on your future endevors.
That.guy001's Avatar
I miss you coming over just to drink a beer or two and shoot the shit Mr. Smith. Hope everything is going well for you too. We haven't been able to catch up in a while :-) Originally Posted by BDevereaux
Smith, are there some reviews you've been holding out on??? I hope I didn't let the cat out of the bag on this one. Oops!
BDevereaux's Avatar
Oh crap I hope I didn't ruin Mr. Smiths rep! I can just see that review: length of time - who knows and didn't care, fee paid - 1 beer, ROS - Brandy came and sat next to me on the couch and we.... TALKED!

Yea, don't think that would be enough to get credit for reviews
  • Tyvm
  • 01-13-2012, 12:03 AM
Glad to hear you are doing well Brandy. In my opinion a new chapter just means the book is getting better.
nutinmuch's Avatar
Hi Brandy! Good luck with the new chapter in your life! I'll always have fond memories...I hope you will, too!

PM me anytime if you want...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-14-2012, 10:10 PM
Good luck in your endeavors.

Knock 'em dead!

All the best to you!
mirandalee's Avatar
Good luck to you gotta do something with our lives right? Im in schiool also full time in crinal justice I almost graduate then off to get my bachlor's in Digital Forensics.. whoo hoo