Better watch what you say online

Chica Chaser's Avatar
The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Welcome to the Police State.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yeah, so I can say Phoenix all day long...but not Tucson, Yuma, Nogales or even San Diego
Ooops, guess I'm on a list now

Lets see someone defend this one. That should be fun.
So you believe the daily mail?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Hmmm, I'll be on several lists just from the first section of warning keywords.

After screening I often take the initiative to get shots fired at me, am delighted to have gentleman exercise and drill me before shooting and having an explosion, don't mind a SWAT in the process, can be a riot after a little Jameson, then crash after an energetic session.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you believe the daily mail? Originally Posted by essence
Yes, I do. In fact, if you check pages 20 - 23 of the linked DHS document, you will find the exact same list.

Gawd, for someone so smart, you sure made a stupid mistake.

Welcome to the police state, Nonsence.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, check out page 14 of the handbook. They identify as an "obviously partisan or agenda driven' site! LOL

Sorry for the interruption. Back to your police state.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
So you believe the daily mail? Originally Posted by essence
The public info release was the result of a FOI request so, in this case...Yes

So, your argument is the source of the story...not the info itself, and are you OK with this happening.....correct?
Even the daily mail sometimes gets its facts correct.

Last time I went through GWB, a guy went through security, he was flashing all kinds of badges, he got through, then said he was testing their processes.

He was, of course, white, looked very normal (a professional in a non sedantory, active, job).

He thanked them all for their help, and they all passed faultlessly.

My thought? What a pantomime.

I do get a bit nervous when they swab my hands, as a 'random' person, who knows what I may have touched.

But they ignore all the swarthy muslims, or all the indians in their wheel chairs (who have a miraculous recovery when necessary, and harrass the air stewards throughout the flight, but ignore the screeming kids next to them).

Ever thought I didn't have my own prejudices?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Hmmm, I'll be on several lists just from the first section of warning keywords.

After screening I often take the initiative to get shots fired at me, am delighted to have gentleman exercise and drill me before shooting and having an explosion, don't mind a SWAT in the process, can be a riot after a little Jameson, then crash after an energetic session.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
We can come up many paragraphs using all these words!
Are they searching for misspelled words? Lots of "youths" who organize flash mobs over the net don't type all that well.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We have been living in a police state for a long time.
It just gets worse.
There ought to be a law......
The government should do something about that........
Way too many laws and way too much government.
What no words in Arabic? So are the terrorists dumb enough to speak in english and not use coded words? Wonder if this is the real list?
I've been researching ethnic specific bio weapons recently. I hope this shit is true. We need something better than aids.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What no words in Arabic? So are the terrorists dumb enough to speak in english and not use coded words? Wonder if this is the real list? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
LOL! You assume they are looking for Muslim terrorists. They're not. They're looking for US!