Omar is as stupid as any leftwing nut job...let the UN solve our problems!!

This is ONE of the people that Mr. Gaffe says...why should we worry about what Congress says or does!! If this isn't case and point of a home wrecking shank face whore that is as anti-American as the jihadist that killed thousand on 9/11 then nothing is!! This is about COMPLETE disregard and destruction of the USA as it was founded. Your leftwing congress at work Mr. Gaffe.

Ilhan Omar Wants The UN To Take Over The US Border Crisis… Is She High?

Written by Wes Walker on August 29, 2019

For someone who doesn’t like being called out as Anti-American, ALL of her political instincts seem to run contrary to the ones that built this nation. You know, like the values that led to a War of Independence.
Maybe she hasn’t noticed, but we’re not really cool with some cheese-eating foreigner telling us how WE should live our lives in the US of A.
That’s right… if you haven’t heard, she thinks that the freaking United Nations needs to come help solve our border crisis. The freaking UN!

Gee, if only there were some group of people in America with the power to modify legislation and funding so that the current situation could be properly resolved. If only…
Yeah, we’d like to see the UN help ‘solve’ things here… they did so well in the Congo, didn’t they? And Haiti? With so many children being trafficked at our Southern border, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Is she saying all this because it is an issue burning deep within her heart, or because she’s desperate to ‘change the channel’ from the accusations that she’s been schtupping a staffer, has been named as the ‘other woman’ in a divorce proceeding with said staffer and is being scrutinized for potential FEC violations (again!) relating to said allegedly-shtupped staffer’s ‘travel’ expenses that are purported to have had little, if anything, to do with actual work responsibilities.
So, what do you think? Does this ‘changing of the channel’ HELP her, or does it make her look even MORE hopelessly out of touch?

winn dixie's Avatar
She is exposing the lefts true agenda! She will be getting mail from pussolinni. bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha asa
The fact that more than a few oddballs in the country support her shows how bad the situation is already.
its not so much stupid as it is she hates America

although I suppose that ,in and of itself, can be deemed stupid

if you despise the birth of America , how can you love its development from that birth?

what is it that these people love about America? maybe its wealth if they can only get ahold of it
its not so much stupid as it is she hates America

although I suppose that ,in and of itself, can be deemed stupid

if you despise the birth of America , how can you love its development from that birth?

what is it that these people love about America? maybe its wealth if they can only get ahold of it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Exactly, they only love what they can take control of or attempt to reshape.

That's why they actually despise the birth of American freedoms and are doing everything they can to undercut them and the Constitution. Look at Jax in another thread, almost giddy about his false sense of belief that the 2nd Amendment can be done away with in the near future.

I mean didn't Michelle sum it up perfectly with "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country".

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Five star genital OP is skeered of the freshman congresswoman from Minnesota.

And the Turd Reich has made HER the Democratic nominee because they know the brownshirts can’t understand the complex issues of the day.

She has already won.

Pity the party of Steve King can’t find a better way to salve it’s rampant xenophobia.

She’s not the danger to our country.

The Trump legion of hatred is.

If I were you, I’d be stocking up on Mac and cheese and Mountain Dew. You’ll be bunkering down soon enough.
She has already won. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
She did? I haven't seen the Blue Helmets at our border controlling things yet.

Care to provide a link.

At least a couple of these at our border doing something of use???

Yssup Rider's Avatar
She’s won in her fight for your soul. An unlikely poster girl for RWW xenophobia in America.

Without a villain to eclipse Trump, Trump becomes the great evil, even to the white. God-fearing citizens of Rock Ridge.

She’s won in her fight for your soul Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, she hasn't, and that's not even relevant to the OP position she has.

She has no chance of winning that with her ridiculous notion.

But distract with your worthless post in order to get that count up. You may get there eventually.

And Speaking of winning 2016 MAGA with a repeat in 2020.
themystic's Avatar
She did? I haven't seen the Blue Helmets at our border controlling things yet.

Care to provide a link.

At least a couple of these at our border doing something of use???

Originally Posted by eccielover
At least the UN doesn't get their hats slapped off their heads like MAGA hat scardy cats. Its sad that under Trumps lack of leadership we have come to this point. Trump and people want to blame this on 4 Freshmen women congress members?
At least the UN doesn't get their hats slapped off their heads like MAGA hat scardy cats. Its sad that under Trumps lack of leadership we have come to this point. Trump and people want to blame this on 4 Freshmen women congress members? Originally Posted by themystic

So is your vote that the UN should come in and take control of the southern border? Or are you just going off the rails again?

Her proposition is ridiculous at face value and should not be receiving any press. That it is, means someone needs to show exactly how ridiculous it is.
So is your vote that the UN should come in and take control of the southern border? Or are you just going off the rails again?

Her proposition is ridiculous at face value and should not be receiving any press. That it is, means someone needs to show exactly how ridiculous it is. Originally Posted by eccielover
it shows how ridiculous the dim party has become
themystic's Avatar
So is your vote that the UN should come in and take control of the southern border? Or are you just going off the rails again?

Her proposition is ridiculous at face value and should not be receiving any press. That it is, means someone needs to show exactly how ridiculous it is. Originally Posted by eccielover
Of course not. We don't need nor will ever have the UN at our border.Omar is a fucked up leftist Muslim that disrespects our government. She's the perfect distraction / villain for the right wing loons and Trump to divert attention from their responsibilities. Are you Scardy cats really scared of 4 Women? Meow
Of course not. We don't need nor will ever have the UN at our border.Omar is a fucked up leftist Muslim that disrespects our government. She's the perfect distraction / villain for the right wing loons and Trump to divert attention from their responsibilities. Are you Scardy cats really scared of 4 Women? Originally Posted by themystic
Nope, not scared at all.

Are you really so OCD and triggered by a piece of clothing.

themystic's Avatar
Nope, not scared at all.

Are you really so OCD and triggered by a piece of clothing.

Originally Posted by eccielover
I get tired of tripping over them