Beware of this scammer Kayla!!! She will agree on the price, tell you to send it and she will come. When she's almost there, will say “send the other half” and play like that was the initial agreement to pay double then what was agreed on. Then say she's around the corner and will not come until you send it (which is then double). Then says it's to make sure you're not the police! Then if you don't send her the now double what was agreed on, she won't show up either way.2BCA1C1B-81A3-4185-8AE9-9B2937D9BECC.jpeg

I think those in this hobby have all been played one way or another similar to what you've just experienced. Back in 2015, I myself got suckered into taking a screenshot of my gift / money card and receipt, then forwarding them to a "provider" to prove how serious I was. I then got run-around directions at some hotel for nearly 20 mins past our scheduled meet. Meanwhile, this scammer already deposited the money I forwarded!

Luckily, I was able to get all my funds back by calling the company whom I bought the card from, leaving "her" without a penny. She eventually texted back how she suspected I was police all along or that I was some kind of scammer. "Hahaha, whatever you gotta tell yourself, b****," I texted back.

Since then, my policy is to NEVER do this type of practice again (to include deposits). It's not like this industry will ever be regulated in the U.S. and you'll very likely never see anything in return for that monetary advance. I wish everyone would do the same and eventually these providers will learn they can't demand shit if no one adheres to some made-up standard.