Fox News Just Made A Sad Announcement About One Of Its Most Polarizing Figures

Beckel worked as a deputy assistant secretary of State during the Carter administration and was the campaign manager for Walter Mondale’s 1984 presidential bid against Ronald Reagan.
Fox News announced Thursday that they have parted ways with Bob Beckel, a co-host of the popular roundtable program The Five who made appearances on other shows.
The news was first reported by Mediaite, who pointed out that Beckel had not been on the air since February 16. After the mystery of his disappearance escalated, Fox News announced the liberal stalwart underwent back surgery and then entered therapy for addiction to prescription pain medication shortly thereafter.
Beckel’s departure was initially reported as “amicable.” But later in the day, Fox News executive vice president of programming Bill Shine told Politico otherwise:
We tried to work with Bob for months, but we couldn’t hold The Five hostage to one man’s personal issues. He took tremendous advantage of our generosity, empathy and goodwill and we simply came to the end of the road with him.He will be replaced for the foreseeable future by Juan Williams and Geraldo Rivera on a rotating basis.