I Take No Delight In This But Devin Nunes Is In Serious Trouble

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is really sad. ;-)

Lev Parnas Says He Has Info on Devin Nunes’ Role in Trump’s Ukraine Dirt-Digging Mission.

Apparently Nunes traveled to Europe to meet with Shokin and has been hiding this key information. Lev Parnas who is a personal friend of Rudy who was working with Rudy on this shady deal is going to testify before Congress in what will undoubtedly be a dramatic showdown of the ages. It would be devastating if Shiff could subpoena Nunes and force him to answer questions. This will be a dream come true to see this unfold. America is on the verge of an ancient Rome like collapse all complimentary of the Republican party.

The Gumbo Pot is heating up. Stay tuned.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What's so sweet about this is that these are all the Presidents men and people turning against him. These are all Republicans I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. Perfect.

PS: His threatening to sue means nothing and is a deflection tactic he picked up from Sean KKKlanity. . Adam Shiff will follow the evidence...and knowing the wicked weasel that Nunes is he will be found guilty and impeached. Corrupt people always collapse
  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 07:12 AM
More DPST desperation - Schiff clown show is failing - the American public sees it for the fake it is.

Now to attack Nunes - just like Trump.

DPST's can't win the debate with ideas ( all you got is Warren socialism) - so "Impeach, "IMpeach, Impeach""
TDS is rampant in the DPST's

next comes "Nunes is a member of the Nazi Party"!! And a Racist, and "Bribed someone"!!!

SomeOne did "delight" in posting this thread.

What's so sweet about this is that these are all the Presidents men and people turning against him. These are all Republicans I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. Perfect.

PS: His threatening to sue means nothing and is a deflection tactic he picked up from Sean KKKlanity. . Adam Shiff will follow the evidence...and knowing the wicked weasel that Nunes is he will be found guilty and impeached. Corrupt people always collapse Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
In your title you said you take no delight in this but you appear to revel in his misfortune in this post - which is it?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In your title you said you take no delight in this but you appear to revel in his misfortune in this post - which is it? Originally Posted by friendly fred
I knew a dude we used to call Fuck Face and he would always appear to be sad when he was really happy. My point is I am sad and not happy about this even though it would seem the opposite. ;-)
bambino's Avatar
Schiffty will be on the hot seat if the douchecrats send impeachment to the Senate.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Schiffty will be on the hot seat if the douchecrats send impeachment to the Senate.

BAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
All The Presidents Men.


HoeHummer's Avatar
So why haven’t any of the Trumpholians addressed the subject of Chapel’s post? Like the crazy AMERICAN tabloids, the Trumpholians will try to spins this wee bit of news into an attack on the process, the prosecutions, the evidence, anything they can to deflect attention from the enormity of this shit show. The knee jerking in this thread proves me right.

The odd thing is that this whole Ukraine thing could be smalls potatoes compared with the other things the crazy fucker at the head of your government might have done that haven’t been discovered yet. And, not surprisingly, Russia continues to come up. Trump’s US are now destabilizing a European country which is in a desperate conflict against Russia using the same tactics used by mob land gangsters.

From where I sit, the process in the US of removing a mentally deranged lunatic from office is far too complicated. The public should have been allowed to vote Trump and his whole band of goons out long ago.
  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 08:10 AM
All The Presidents Men.


Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

The reality of delight taking surfaces!
"Address a fake issue" - just DPST propaganda trying to lend the faintest credibility to the Schiff Clown show. poor fake canuck.

From where you sit? You're sitting in Austin ya fake Canuck. This is what's sad. Yessup has to make up a fake handle just so he can fake post in here. Tsk tsk.

So why haven’t any of the Trumpholians addressed the subject of Chapel’s post? Like the crazy AMERICAN tabloids, the Trumpholians will try to spins this wee bit of news into an attack on the process, the prosecutions, the evidence, anything they can to deflect attention from the enormity of this shit show. The knee jerking in this thread proves me right.

The odd thing is that this whole Ukraine thing could be smalls potatoes compared with the other things the crazy fucker at the head of your government might have done that haven’t been discovered yet. And, not surprisingly, Russia continues to come up. Trump’s US are now destabilizing a European country which is in a desperate conflict against Russia using the same tactics used by mob land gangsters.

From where I sit, the process in the US of removing a mentally deranged lunatic from office is far too complicated. The public should have been allowed to vote Trump and his whole band of goons out long ago. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
This is really sad. ;-)

Lev Parnas Says He Has Info on Devin Nunes’ Role in Trump’s Ukraine Dirt-Digging Mission.

Apparently Nunes traveled to Europe to meet with Shokin and has been hiding this key information. Lev Parnas who is a personal friend of Rudy who was working with Rudy on this shady deal is going to testify before Congress in what will undoubtedly be a dramatic showdown of the ages. It would be devastating if Shiff could subpoena Nunes and force him to answer questions. This will be a dream come true to see this unfold. America is on the verge of an ancient Rome like collapse all complimentary of the Republican party.

The Gumbo Pot is heating up. Stay tuned. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hahahaha, you liberal mutants are on a mission. You people are stupid.
bambino's Avatar
From where you sit? You're sitting in Austin ya fake Canuck. This is what's sad. Yessup has to make up a fake handle just so he can fake post in here. Tsk tsk. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Losers gotta do what Losers gotta do.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oeb 11 +100% Typical deflection from the issues
  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 09:03 AM
OANN reports today Nunes will sue CNN and other outlets for the "demonstrably false and scandalous" reports mentioned above.

DPST's shrug off their lies and false reports as no big deal.

Cannot predict the outcome of the suits - but I am glad Nunes is defending himself against the libel.

Will be intersting to see if the libel rises to level required to win.

At lest, the facts of the matter can come out in open court.
something our little darling DPST's would prefer not to happen.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol @ sue. That bitch is about to get impeached along with Trump