My Dear Sweet Men Of Iowa... Its Time...

Guest041817's Avatar
After going back and forth with myself and a lot of thought I have decided it is time for me to retire.. I will be doing one last tour in two weeks.. I am gonna go to my 6 favorite cities and DSM/CR/QC are in that 6.

I just wanted to take sometime and thank all of you for being amazing to me these past 5 years. I truly have grown to love Iowa. You guys have always made me feel great when I come to your state even if I am a HUGE Michigan fan lol..

It has been so much fun and I will have a lot of great memories with you guys... It is just time for me to bow out and start living a normal-ish life.

For the providers I will still be open to give out references if you guys ever need it...however my work phone will be shut off after my farewell tour so just email me.

I will have exact dates for my farewell tour in a few days and will post it when I know... Again thank you all so much for being amazing!
DallasRain's Avatar
wow this is sad news.....but i do wish ya a great life my sweet friend!!
Guest041817's Avatar
Awe thanks Dallas you are to sweet
trips to walmarts, headboards falling...was a great time always
Guest041817's Avatar
Haha poor headboards.. at least no one was injured
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Best wishes girlie !!
European's Avatar
Man that's a bummer so many lost chances and here I was hoping for a Sioux Falls visit. I hope your retirement will go well and you will be dearly missed
Good for you sweets, boo hoo for us gents cause we are sure gonna miss ya babe. I WILL be seeing you during your farewell tour for sure!!
giabella's Avatar
You'll be missed doll, best of luck in your future endeavors! Mwah :-*