Can you all send me a PM with names of the most active boards in the Milwaukee and surrounding areas? If it's allowed to be posted in this thread, that'd be better for everyone.
The people on the board are nice Originally Posted by Andrea Davisehh, I wouldn't say that. Its not the most professionally run board. There's a lot of politics going on over there. I've been a member for well over 10 years there and while traffic has risen there its not always as productive or unbiased as it once as.
I assumed that HOH was closed down, based on not being able to see anything without logging in and not being able to see anyway to register! lol. Maybe that is the perception they want, that they are shut down so they are more discreet? Originally Posted by WineYouWendyI do NOT recommend even going on there. I believe they closed down the site for security reasons until its cleaned out...ALOT of badges are on there and it is now unsafe... Also, please note when coming into WI, AVOID Appleton and the Fox Valley area... Wayyyyyy to many busts and stings. Also if possible Avoid Waukesha Co. Their activity is the same as the Valley..