Comrade NOBama

This is too funny. The DNC proudly displayed a backdrop at their convention of what they thought were US Navy ships. Turns out it was actually Russian warships. And who still thinks NOBama is not a commie? Wake up liberals, NOBama is in bed with Putin. Remember what he got caught telling Putin when he thought the mic was off.
.....and if anyone needs a refresher:
Jten13's Avatar
Typhon100's Avatar
What is sad, is that the same knucklehead will get re-elected by electoral college, or a bunch fans.

What did Einstein state once!

"There are two infinite's in the universe. One; the stupidity of mankind! 2) The universe itself.

However! I'm not sure about the universe though!"

I suspect that Obama will be reelected, and the circle will continue. Thank God I saw this coming, and already have homes prepared overseas already. Even dull rats know when to leave a sinking ship. Yes! I'm very American, and make Dennis Leary look like a pussy!

I'm an ASSHOLE! Google the song on your own.

Precious_b's Avatar
Sickpuppy's Avatar
The sad part is, it's not all his fault. Airheads, dreamers, the uninformed, stoners, naive adolescents, the entitled, Soros, Move-On, (you fill in the blank) elected him and gave him carte blanche with control of both houses, now they may reelect him because they're still half brain dead or haven't gotten all they believe they deserve. All the clues were there originally and he never said anything concrete about what he would ACTUALLY do in office - so why is anyone surprised? I'm not. Forget voter IDs, how about requiring each voter pass the same test used for LEGAL immigration into the country. Then, a short independent test just to see if they even know the issues and ramifications of their vote on the country as a whole? Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!