Skip The Games “server can’t be found”

Hunteradventurer's Avatar
I always brows Skip The Games to see if any new talent might be making an appearance & not much else available in the Golden Triangle these days. Tried several times today and keep getting SERVER CANT BE FOUND message, anyone else having any luck? A lot of low hanging fruit will be SOL if it’s gone.
No problems in HTX so maybe your internet provider is the caus. Or STG thinks you need a weekend off lol good luck figuring it out
I’m getting the same - also in Golden Triangle area
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
I don’t use my computer only my iPhone & safari so it may be the safari that isn’t allowing access but never had a problem previously.
The golden triangle area is slow. A couple of ladies off of p411 visit occasionally.
I just checked it again and it’s working now. I also use iPhone/Safari.