What will the fox bats do now?

The Trumpster is boycotting Fox News.
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  • WTF
  • 09-23-2015, 03:30 PM
The Trumpster is boycotting Fox News. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They are going to have to pick between Fox News and Trump....Fox News is in the bag for JeB.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
They are going to have to pick between Fox News and Trump....Fox News is in the bag for JeB.

. Originally Posted by WTF

You obviously don't watch fox.

Oh and I'm sure that Bozo is going to get better coverage on the other networks ??

Trump is even a bigger Bozo than you.
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  • WTF
  • 09-23-2015, 03:47 PM

Trump is even a bigger Bozo than you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I actually like Trump for what he is doing to the process...
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I actually like Trump for what he is doing to the process... Originally Posted by WTF
The kiss of death.

That's because you're a bomb thrower.
That's because you're that's because you're a bomb thrower. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What the fuck, you stuttering shit.
That's because you're that's because you're a bomb thrower. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You're starting to repeat yourself!

Stay away from the private stash!
Fair warning: If you are a conservative and you come on this thread to defend Trump, I will comb through your posts on this board and quote the numerous times you have called Obama a cry baby, a whiner, or accused him of a throwing a tantrum.

That is not to say that Obama is not the Toddler In Chief, he certainly is. But you can't have it both ways. If Obama is repugnant because he can't handle criticism, throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way, and is vindictive toward those who oppose him (and he is on all counts), then so is Trump.

I've been quietly watching the dog and pony show that is Trump's fatuous stab at a Presidential run, but I'm tired of it. Its not funny anymore, its not entertaining, and all it does is make conservatives look like a bunch of idiots. It is flat out embarrassing. We currently have what I consider to be one of the best and most diverse fields of GOP candidates that I've ever seen since I was 18 and doe eyed while participating in my first election. Yet, despite the estimable field of candidates to choose from, the biggest drooling idiot of the bunch is getting the attention.

Trump has no class, no integrity, no self control, and no tact. I am tired of this "well he tells it like it is" horseshit. So does my drunk Uncle. That doesn't mean I would vote for him for President. Ronald Reagan said that one could disagree without being disagreeable. Trump failed to comprehend that point. Being an asshole does not make one "anti-political correctness". It just makes you an asshole. If Trump had half the brains he likes to think that he has, he could get his points across without being crass and disgusting. A real diplomat can tell you to go fuck yourself in such a way that you find yourself looking forward to the trip.

The phrase "I've been treated unfairly" seems to be popular with Trump. It also happens to be a phrase that no serious political candidate should ever say. Trump wanted to wade into politics. Politics is a blood sport. If he can't take a punch, he had no business stepping into the ring.

It is past time for conservatives to pull their heads out of their asses and send this buffoon packing.
Three things come to my mind when I think of The Donald and he hasn't grasped any of them.

Tact is the act of making a point without making an enemy.

Greatness lies not in trying to be somebody, but in trying to help somebody.

It is far more impressive if others discover your good qualities without your help.
Three things come to my mind when I think of The Donald and he hasn't grasped any of them.

Tact is the act of making a point without making an enemy.

Greatness lies not in trying to be somebody, but in trying to help somebody.

It is far more impressive if others discover your good qualities without your help. Originally Posted by midvale
The summarizes The Donald's shortcomings perfectly.
Fair warning: If you are a conservative and you come on this thread to defend Trump, I will comb through your posts on this board and quote the numerous times you have called Obama a cry baby, a whiner, or accused him of a throwing a tantrum.

That is not to say that Obama is not the Toddler In Chief, he certainly is. But you can't have it both ways. If Obama is repugnant because he can't handle criticism, throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way, and is vindictive toward those who oppose him (and he is on all counts), then so is Trump.

I've been quietly watching the dog and pony show that is Trump's fatuous stab at a Presidential run, but I'm tired of it. Its not funny anymore, its not entertaining, and all it does is make conservatives look like a bunch of idiots. It is flat out embarrassing. We currently have what I consider to be one of the best and most diverse fields of GOP candidates that I've ever seen since I was 18 and doe eyed while participating in my first election. Yet, despite the estimable field of candidates to choose from, the biggest drooling idiot of the bunch is getting the attention.

Trump has no class, no integrity, no self control, and no tact. I am tired of this "well he tells it like it is" horseshit. So does my drunk Uncle. That doesn't mean I would vote for him for President. Ronald Reagan said that one could disagree without being disagreeable. Trump failed to comprehend that point. Being an asshole does not make one "anti-political correctness". It just makes you an asshole. If Trump had half the brains he likes to think that he has, he could get his points across without being crass and disgusting. A real diplomat can tell you to go fuck yourself in such a way that you find yourself looking forward to the trip.

The phrase "I've been treated unfairly" seems to be popular with Trump. It also happens to be a phrase that no serious political candidate should ever say. Trump wanted to wade into politics. Politics is a blood sport. If he can't take a punch, he had no business stepping into the ring.

It is past time for conservatives to pull their heads out of their asses and send this buffoon packing. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
What you have said about Trump is the state of the country. It is where the support of him is coming from.
SinsOTF start with me... I refuse to support the-uni-party and will do my part to take my half down... and who the fuck watches FOX NEWS today?

Three things come to my mind when I think of The Donald and he hasn't grasped any of them.

Tact is the act of making a point without making an enemy.

Greatness lies not in trying to be somebody, but in trying to help somebody.

It is far more impressive if others discover your good qualities without your help. Originally Posted by midvale
True, but that makes for boring TV.
Fair warning: If you are a conservative and you come on this thread to defend Trump, I will comb through your posts on this board and quote the numerous times you have called Obama a cry baby, a whiner, or accused him of a throwing a tantrum.

That is not to say that Obama is not the Toddler In Chief, he certainly is. But you can't have it both ways. If Obama is repugnant because he can't handle criticism, throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get his way, and is vindictive toward those who oppose him (and he is on all counts), then so is Trump.

I've been quietly watching the dog and pony show that is Trump's fatuous stab at a Presidential run, but I'm tired of it. Its not funny anymore, its not entertaining, and all it does is make conservatives look like a bunch of idiots. It is flat out embarrassing. We currently have what I consider to be one of the best and most diverse fields of GOP candidates that I've ever seen since I was 18 and doe eyed while participating in my first election. Yet, despite the estimable field of candidates to choose from, the biggest drooling idiot of the bunch is getting the attention.

Trump has no class, no integrity, no self control, and no tact. I am tired of this "well he tells it like it is" horseshit. So does my drunk Uncle. That doesn't mean I would vote for him for President. Ronald Reagan said that one could disagree without being disagreeable. Trump failed to comprehend that point. Being an asshole does not make one "anti-political correctness". It just makes you an asshole. If Trump had half the brains he likes to think that he has, he could get his points across without being crass and disgusting. A real diplomat can tell you to go fuck yourself in such a way that you find yourself looking forward to the trip.

The phrase "I've been treated unfairly" seems to be popular with Trump. It also happens to be a phrase that no serious political candidate should ever say. Trump wanted to wade into politics. Politics is a blood sport. If he can't take a punch, he had no business stepping into the ring.

It is past time for conservatives to pull their heads out of their asses and send this buffoon packing. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

TheDaliLama's Avatar
You're starting to repeat yourself!

Stay away from the private stash! Originally Posted by bigtex
Never try to type and use Sri at the same time when driving.