Speaker Boehner Resigning From Congress

Chung Tran's Avatar

it's about time! Fucker kept fighting, but finally giving up..
I'm a little surprised, but not shocked.

The Republicans owe their majority in both Houses to Conservatives who vote in off year elections when a single vote can mean a lot. The Leadership, however, still seems to be stuck in that old, "bipartisan means giving in to the Democrat" mode, and people are sick of it.

This is reflected in the latest Presidential Race as well, where the front runners are non Polititians. Voters are sick and tired of electing people only to have them turn and run the minute they get to Washington.

The 2014 elections were the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak. The old guard leadership in both Houses figured it would be business as usual. The voters who put them there think different.

This is even being reflected in the Democrat Primaries, where a old white guy Socialist is giving the thought to be ordained Candidate a run for her money. While the Democrats are sick of their establishment for the opposite reason ( not progressive enough), as the Republicans, they are still no less wanting some kind of change, rather than the old business as usual.
Forced out by the right wing loonie tunes. More evidence of Republicans eating their own.
Forced out by the right wing loonie tunes. More evidence of Republicans eating their own. Originally Posted by timpage
Maybe the Republicans go tired of their "leader" acting like a 3 year old with his diaper full that threw a tantrum and cried when he was challenged to be a true conservative. He can go cry at his family's bar in Ohio and make a spectacle of himself there. Good riddance to that " go-along-to-get-along " SOB ! There are a lot more of that ilk in both parties that need to find a new job.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 09-25-2015, 09:26 AM
Good ridance, fucking whining rino.
Yeah, I'm sure that letting the TeaWhacks run the house will increase cooperation and the ability of the house to actually get things done. So stupid.

It's called checks and balances for a reason folks and it requires bi-partisanship and cooperation. Maybe what the voters are sick of is not the failure of the whackjobs to be able to advance their agenda but rather the whackjobs preventing any agenda from being advanced?
Maybe the Republicans go tired of their "leader" acting like a 3 year old with his diaper full that threw a tantrum and cried when he was challenged to be a true conservative. He can go cry at his family's bar in Ohio and make a spectacle of himself there. Good riddance to that " go-along-to-get-along " SOB ! There are a lot more of that ilk in both parties that need to find a new job. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I rest my rightwing loonie tune case. Exhibit A above.
Well Tim, at least conservatives are just as willing to question and criticize the leaders of their party as they are the other political side. If not more so.

When have liberals ever criticized Reid or Pelosi? Hell, even after Democrats got shellacked in the mid-term elections, who did they install as the newly minted minority leader? The very same Pelosi who oversaw the Democrat's loss in the first place. Jesus, you guys don't even re-arrange the deck chairs.

At least the Republican leadership is capable of seeing when the writing is on the wall. You guys can stare down an iceberg and still plow right into it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Good riddance to a drunkard that has done absolutely nothing to help this nation become a better nation. Now if we can just get the rest of them to resign aw well, maybe, just maybe, we can start turning things around and begin heading in the right direction where all benefit rather than just a few.
Well Tim, at least conservatives are just as willing to question and criticize the leaders of their party as they are the other political side. If not more so.

When have liberals ever criticized Reid or Pelosi? Hell, even after Democrats got shellacked in the mid-term elections, who did they install as the newly minted minority leader? The very same Pelosi who oversaw the Democrat's loss in the first place. Jesus, you guys don't even re-arrange the deck chairs.

At least the Republican leadership is capable of seeing when the writing is on the wall. You guys can stare down an iceberg and still plow right into it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
They don't just "plow right into it". They lock all the passengers in their cabins and call down to the engine room to increase speed to ahead flank ! Prolly blame "global warming" for the iceberg being in THEIR path.
Where is the standard "rats abandoning the sinking ship" comment? Oh right he is a conservative.
BigLouie's Avatar
He is famous for making his own party members pay a bribe to get a bill to the floor
Well Tim, at least conservatives are just as willing to question and criticize the leaders of their party as they are the other political side. If not more so.

When have liberals ever criticized Reid or Pelosi? Hell, even after Democrats got shellacked in the mid-term elections, who did they install as the newly minted minority leader? The very same Pelosi who oversaw the Democrat's loss in the first place. Jesus, you guys don't even re-arrange the deck chairs.

At least the Republican leadership is capable of seeing when the writing is on the wall. You guys can stare down an iceberg and still plow right into it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
The problem is that the "writing on the wall" in this case was the whackadoos willingness to shut the freaking government down over Planned Parenthood funding. You might be the one who wants to defend that rearrangement of the deck chairs but I sure don't.
Here is some interesting and pointed commentary on the events from the Daily Beast. Republicans who actually care about the brand are as worried as democrats about the small band of RWW driving this train.

GOP’s Kamikaze Caucus Takes Out John Boehner

The House Speaker did everything he could to keep the Republican crash-and-burn crowd in check. But in the end, they wanted to torch Washington, not run it.

“I consider this a victory for the crazies,” said one Republican Congressman who attended the meeting in which Speaker John Boehner shocked the political world by announcing his resignation.

Boehner, the consummate congressional dealmaker, faced another looming government shutdown. His abrupt decision to resign at the end of October is a sign that there are no more deals to be made with the conservative Kamikaze caucus.
The fundamentalist crew that Boehner-allied Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has called “lemmings with suicide vests” and “right-wing Marxists” has been preparing to take the country to the brink of shutdown and default again this fall over their demand to defund Planned Parenthood and refusal to raise the debt ceiling.
In the closed-door meeting, the Speaker warned against a government shutdown, telling the assembled Republicans that shutting down the government was self-defeating for the GOP and the pro-life cause. But his announcement, “took all the air out of the room,” the attending congressman told The Daily Beast. “No one expected it.”

Boehner is an old-school Main Street Midwestern Republican—he’s conservative, but not crazy. His insistence that governing is more important than grandstanding has made him a punching bag for presidential candidates playing to populists. Take the recent cattle call hosted by the conservative frat-boy scam that parades under the name Heritage Action. Candidate after candidate blamed Boehner for all the ills facing their party. One of the attendees, a man named Valentine Sanchez told The Daily Beast’s Patricia Murphy that he wanted Boehner out “the sooner the better. We need conservatives in there."

In fact, Boehner’s been one of the steady voices of sanity in an unhinged time for the Republican Party. He’s been the adult in the room filled with red-faced tantrums and toddler-esque factional squabbles. And he’s been constrained from pursuing many of his true goals by trying to hold in check the Tea Partiers that got him elected Speaker in 2010 as they morphed into the Troll Party, more welcoming to ultra-right absolutists than to conservative reformers.

Not only that, his longtime friends have disappeared one by one. Veteran Reps. Tom Latham, Steve Latourette, and Buck McKeon have all retired in recent years, leaving more and more him alone on the throne.

Still, he’s given as good as he’s got, calling Ted Cruz as a “jackass” for cheerleading the last shutdown and slamming Heritage Action and other members of the conservative activist class, saying, “They’re using our mem­bers and they’re using the American people for their own goals…This is ridiculous.”

As a result, Boehner’s ambition to shepherd conservative immigration reform through the House fell apart. In the spring of 2014, he noted that the immigration “problem’s been around for at least the last 15 years. It’s been turned into a political football. I think it’s unfair…I think it’s time to deal with it.”

This pronouncement was swiftly declared a “Death Warrant for Conservatism,” by the Powerline blog, while Heritage Action’s Dan Holler told The Daily Beast’s Patricia Murphy that Boehner’s statement was “a full-throated embrace of amnesty.” This kind of overheated exaggeration is typical of the kind of opposition Boehner faced.
Boehner’s ambition was abandoned once his deputy, Republican Majority leader Eric Cantor was cannibalized in a primary, losing to an activist who joined in the anti-immigration reform chorus. In the closed-door meeting, Boehner referred to the upset, saying that he only intended to serve two terms as Speaker but the Cantor lost. “Life changes, plans change,” Boehner explained.

The emotional impetus for his surprising decision might have been Pope Francis's historic speech to Congress the day before, in which the progressive pontiff made a case for exactly the kind of bipartisan reasoning together that has been targeted by the Kamikaze caucus: “We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.” This approach to governing has been effectively criminalized by too much of the current conservative movement. It is a firing offense.

And so Boehner decided to jump before he was pushed, tired of the prospect of another self-defeating fight with the extremists in his own party. Maybe Boehner could’ve held on as Speaker—if he’d decided to depend on votes from Democrats to retain his seat. But while most of Boehner’s recent legislative successes required bipartisan coalitions, that degree of career-saving support was likely too much to ask from Nancy Pelosi & Co.

Now President Obama has witnessed the vanquishing of two conservative congressional leaders—Boehner and Cantor—who were deemed insufficiently radical by the conservative populists they first empowered.

With the Republicans still reeling under the Capital dome, the impact of Boehner’s surprise decision and his successor is still unclear, but it does not bode well for hopes that the United States can avoid another stupidly self-inflicted shut-down. Names like House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Budget Committee Paul Ryan were quickly floated as Boehner replacements—and were just as quickly shot down for being insufficient in their fealty to crash-and-burn Kamikaze caucus.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I fully understand why the Democrats never complained while the communists and socialist took over their party and I understand why it pains the democrats so when Republicans purge their party of democrats. I also understand why the left is so afraid of those that are elected to go and do specific things as representatives of their constituents rather than blindly follow a party doctrine that no longer represents the overwhelming majority of it's voters.Restoring this nation to freedom and liberty scare the shit out of the party that wants total control over the people.

The soon to be former speaker of the house has been an impediment to the goals of the people. A new speaker needs to not fear the executive branch but should the job of checks and balances rather than give them carte blanche as has been happening for the past 6 years.