Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill JFK. YES OR NO WILL SUFFICE

oilfieldace's Avatar
I vote a resounding NO
Neither option is factual at this point, just opinion. Sometimes the distinction gets blurred here. Nothing wrong with voicing an opinion, but .... well, you know, we all have one.
oilfieldace's Avatar
The film the bystander made real time proves beyond any doubt that LHO was not in the position they said he was at time of shooting. Perhaps they got his position wrong. An animal does not respond the way jfk body did after being shot by a high powered rifle. , the Warren report’s conclusion of the single bullet just doesn’t meet the standard. I must say Ruby shooting LHO on live TV was something to watch . In a police parking lot and Ruby conveniently being a terminal man is just a tad suspicious. If you don’t know he was a patsy you aren’t connecting the dots. Here is MY OPINION, LBJ was in on the murder in so,e capacity.that’s conjecture from some of the things written, one by one of LBJ mistresses
oilfieldace's Avatar
BTW it want be factual 100 years from now
I saw Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV. Agree his motive suspicious, but have no FACTS to support that suspicion. Neither am I a ballistics expert to FACTUALLY how the shots impacted, so in that case, best to not opine.
You might be interested in a book I read in the late 60's called MacBird that has since been made into a play.
winn dixie's Avatar
Oswald did it and saved America
  • Vulva
  • 07-20-2023, 02:00 PM
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  • 07-20-2023, 02:27 PM
So lets just leave it a mystery. Facts are hard to come by even after sixty years of research by ballistics experts, mathematicians,historians ect. But the Media says it was Oswald and that's what the indoctrination center handbook says that is what must be taught in schools.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I saw Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV. Agree his motive suspicious, but have no FACTS to support that suspicion. Neither am I a ballistics expert to FACTUALLY how the shots impacted, so in that case, best to not opine.
You might be interested in a book I read in the late 60's called MacBird that has since been made into a play. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I was 16 when JFK was killed , no I am not familiar with book you mentioned. I did like the movie about JFK ,that had Tommie Lee Jones it. Not because of the subject but because I think Jones is a good actor.

Since none of you are FBI profilers, the post was asking your opinion on the subject . Yes, no, or I don’t know enough to form an opinion. It asked what you thought not what you could prove. Since no one had an opinion, Mr Bio needs to close it.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Oswald did it and saved America Originally Posted by winn dixie
So you are condoning killing another human , when stand your ground wasn’t an issue? Somehow that seems like something that should be against house rules
winn dixie's Avatar
So you are condoning killing another human , when stand your ground wasn’t an issue? Somehow that seems like something that should be against house rules Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Good grief
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 05:33 PM
On second thought, it was probably Ted Cruz's father who killed JFK.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Good grief Originally Posted by winn dixie
Good grief? You didn’t address the subject, that being the unbelievable statement you made about killing of JFK.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No. Oswald fired two shots, one apparently missed, the other was the infamous "magic bullet" that wounded both Kennedy and Connolly. this shot has been recreated and proven one bullet could hit Kennedy in the upper back and pass out to hit Connolly. this was NOT a fatal shot.

these shots were from behind Kennedy's limo. the fatal shot third shot came from in front and hit Kennedy in the forehead, the fatal shot. so unless Oswald had Scotty use the USS Enterprise's transporter there were two shooters (at least). Oswald was exactly what he yelled out when Jack Rudy silenced him .. "I'm just a patsy!"

the CIA and the Mafia conspired to kill Kennedy. each had ample reasons, the CIA for the Bay of Pigs fiasco where Kennedy wouldn't back reinforcements and for his opposition to escalating US involvement in Vietnam. he also wanted to rein in the CIA itself

the Mafia also had plenty of reasons. first, it's rumored that Joe Kennedy used his mob connections to rig votes in Illinois for his son to win (along with the Daley machine in Chicago) and then after being elected he turned his bother RFK as AG on the Mafia. on a minor note Kennedy was also banging Sam Giancana's woman.

the CIA needed the Mafia for an insurance shooter in case their "patsy" Oswald couldn't make the kill shot. and a shooter that if caught couldn't be tied to the CIA.

if the Mafia shooter (on the grassy knoll where the fatal shot was made) had been caught the CIA would be in the clear and a shadowy illegal outfit vaguely known and difficult to identify would be the fall guy, not the CIA.