Thank you much for the midterms

In case no one else tells you,
Thanks for the Midterms!
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 07:06 PM
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. The Republicans will probably win the House of Representatives.
Yes. They are the odds on favorites to take the house. But they won’t bother to govern and pass legislation that will matter in the least. Nothing that will even get a look in the senate. We know this because they couldn’t do that with fully Republican government.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yes. They are the odds on favorites to take the house. But they won’t bother to govern and pass legislation that will matter in the least. Nothing that will even get a look in the senate. We know this because they couldn’t do that with fully Republican government. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
because of the blocker mccain.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
But they won’t bother to govern and pass legislation that will matter in the least. Nothing that will even get a look in the senate.. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Like the Trumpys?

Where are they all hiding?
Where is salty, hf, and all the other cowards?
All the other election deniers?
All the defenders of the big lie?

My main point is, they had it all.

And Trump gave it back.
Where are Trump's enablers?
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. The Republicans will probably win the House of Representatives. Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 08:47 PM

My main point is, they had it all.

And Trump gave it back.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Well, you've got a point. Republicans would control the Senate right now if not for Trump's foolishness, and they'd be looking to add to their majority come November.
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 08:55 PM
Yes. They are the odds on favorites to take the house. But they won’t bother to govern and pass legislation that will matter in the least. Nothing that will even get a look in the senate. We know this because they couldn’t do that with fully Republican government. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Good. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I agree with Jacuzzme. We would have been better off without the two bills that Democrats passed without support from Republicans. The American Rescue Plan supercharged inflation and increased the national debt by $1.9 trillion. And then there was the pork-laden, ridiculously-named "Inflation Reduction Act."

Our friend WTF believes our government functions best and runs up lower deficits with a Democratic President and Republican House. Well, I hope we'll have an opportunity to see whether he's right come 2023. I'd note that the best governance during the last 50 years occurred when no one party controlled the presidency, Senate and House -- Bill Clinton's second term and Ronald Reagan's two terms. Clinton and Reagan could pull that off because they were uniters. Biden, Trump and Obama weren't capable of reaching across the aisle and producing historic legislation.
In case no one else tells you,
Thanks for the Midterms!
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
... You're surely welcome, mate...

And please thank President Biden for me. ...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, you've got a point. Republicans would control the Senate right now if not for Trump's foolishness, and they'd be looking to add to their majority come November. Originally Posted by Tiny
Totally correct. If not for Trump claiming voter fraud in Georgia after the election, one of the 2 Republicans in the January 2021 Senate run-off, Perdue or Loeffler, would have won, giving Republicans the majority in the Senate. Perdue beat Ossoff by 1.8% in the November election and lost by .8% in January.
because of the blocker mccain. Originally Posted by winn dixie
They had a 52/48 advantage. Stop blaming McCain. Or at least stop lying. And repealing a bill is not passing legislation. Just admit, they had no ideas, which they didn’t, except tax cuts. That’s their only idea, ever.
I agree with Jacuzzme. We would have been better off without the two bills that Democrats passed without support from Republicans. The American Rescue Plan supercharged inflation and increased the national debt by $1.9 trillion. And then there was the pork-laden, ridiculously-named "Inflation Reduction Act."

Our friend WTF believes our government functions best and runs up lower deficits with a Democratic President and Republican House. Well, I hope we'll have an opportunity to see whether he's right come 2023. I'd note that the best governance during the last 50 years occurred when no one party controlled the presidency, Senate and House -- Bill Clinton's second term and Ronald Reagan's two terms. Clinton and Reagan could pull that off because they were uniters. Biden, Trump and Obama weren't capable of reaching across the aisle and producing historic legislation. Originally Posted by Tiny
I personally disagree with you. Infrastructure was a necessity. Making some semi-conductors at home is a necessity. Expanding broadband internet beyond the large cities is a necessity. Some action on Climate and clean energy is a necessity. Minimal tax on businesses is a necessity. Taking care of soldiers is a necessity. You can dislike aspects of the legislation passed but claiming we’re better off doing nothing is silly. That’s how we end up with falling bridges terrible roads.

Giving away free money and exorbitant unemployment benefits started under Trump along with flat payments. Putting that on Biden and democrats is just untrue. And before you go claiming pork or set asides or whatever, the republicans could have passed pork free versions of any of the above legislation when they had congress but they didn’t, because they didn’t care to do so.

If you want a version of legislation that you like or encompasses your vision of how things should be, pass it. Don’t sit around and wait for the other side to do so and whine about it. None of the problems democrats claim to want to address in their legislation just came into existence. They were around for decades. They were the only ones to try and address them. And they did, in their way. Republicans could have done the same, but could get their heads outta their asses to do it. Trump had 104 weeks that he could have had the republicans create an infrastructure bill and a replacement for the ACA. They railed against the ACA for 7 years prior to that and came up with ZERO alternative solutions. Trump claimed to be able to get the greatest infrastructure in the world and provided along with his congress ZERO solutions, but he did build about 30 miles of fencing that a 12 year year old with a ladder could circumvent.

Republicans claimed for years to be the party of ideas. But they prove to have none. And they’ll continue to do with the idiots they wanna elect.
winn dixie's Avatar
They had a 52/48 advantage. Stop blaming McCain. Or at least stop lying. And repealing a bill is not passing legislation. Just admit, they had no ideas, which they didn’t, except tax cuts. That’s their only idea, ever. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
mccain and that women senator that was paid off did Trump in on the major legislation. Despite that we had a great 4 years under Trumps leadership.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
mccain and that women senator that was paid off did Trump in on the major legislation. Despite that we had a great 4 years under Trumps leadership. Originally Posted by winn dixie
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2022, 03:06 PM
Totally correct. If not for Trump claiming voter fraud in Georgia after the election, one of the 2 Republicans in the January 2021 Senate run-off, Perdue or Loeffler, would have won, giving Republicans the majority in the Senate. Perdue beat Ossoff by 1.8% in the November election and lost by .8% in January. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump's buddies Linn Wood and Sydney Powell were telling Georgians not to vote because their votes wouldn't count anyway! And because Loeffler and Perdue didn't deserve their votes, as they didn't show up to a rally promoted by Wood and Powell.

Add Jeff Flake to your list. He would probably still be a Senator if Trump hadn't threatened to primary him.