Pulling back the hood of ignorance surrounding "the little man in the boat", the HuffPost expose' revealed the complete ignorance of the male sex on this relatively unexplored piece of the female anatomy.
A sample of men racked up dismal scores on a 10-question test on general clitoral knowledge. Here are some sample questions:
- Is the clitoris more like a button or an iceberg? ANSWER: An iceberg -- over 90% of the clitoral organ is hidden inside the female anatomy
- How large is an unerect clitoris (the whole organ)? ANSWER: Up to 4" long and 1" wide. The average flaccid penis is 3.5" long and 1" wide. Hey, hey, hey -- I just got out of the pool!
- What is the difference between a clitoris and a golf ball? ANSWER: Men will actually search for a golf ball.
Anybody know where I can take a cliteracy test?