One time one guy I used to see took those pills (I forget what they are called) that help you get it up or whatever, and anyway, he didn't need them to begin with, and he went over on his time, and I was sooooooo tired and sweaty and it made me kinda grumpy cause there was really nothing else I could to do help him finish. It was already almost an extra hour and he just could not finish and I felt like he felt like it was my fault, but no one made him take those pills! So if ya dont need them dont take them cause maybe that will happen to you and you wont be happy. Plus he didnt pay me for all the extra effort and time he took because he felt like since he saw me several times, I should cut him some slack so he didn't pay (I was kinda new and stupid at that time and did not ask for $$$ upfront). I never answered again. To answer about performance, as long as u are nice and clean, like I always say, I am happy