Am I missing something?

kidnitro's Avatar
The Sasha situation is very sad. I never had the pleasure but she is truly a legend in our KC Community. A thread was started that paid tribute to her by Busty CiCi. Agreed there was personal information there that should not have been but it was edited out. Now my question, why did a Mississippi moderator close the thread? She sights an ECCIE rule maybe thread fits, maybe it does not, but why a moderator from somewhere else stepped in is beyond me. We need a place to express our sorrow and our appreciation to such a legend. What am I missing? RIP Sasha!!
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I know where you're coming from, but I believe she was acting with the best intentions and, technically, she was following the rules.
kidnitro's Avatar
I know where you're coming from, but I believe she was acting with the best intentions and, technically, she was following the rules. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
I guess that begs the question do you and lacrew spend time reading forums from other areas and interjecting yourselves? I wouldn't think you would have time. You have your hands full here in KC and we appreciate the job you do.
simplyme's Avatar
Who knows why, maybe the Mississippi moderator was a "friend" knew a friend or so on. If it was by the rules then it is what it is.
I imagine someone sent her a PM about it. Sometimes providers may feel that the male mods have their best interests in mind.
I feel like there could be an RIP thread about Sasha without interjecting personal info that would identify her to family/friends.
I had posted a link in my original comment on that thread, then realizing that it had her civilian name included in the news story, edited it out myself but by that time, someone had already replied and quoted me so it was in the quote which was then later edited by the female mod.
Omahan's Avatar
If it happened overnight she may have felt that it was a risk to wait. She should have let the local mods know what she was doing though.
kidnitro's Avatar
If it happened overnight she may have felt that it was a risk to wait. She should have let the local mods know what she was doing though. Originally Posted by Omahan
There's the point I was trying to make. Thanks Omahan, your experience shines through!
kidnitro's Avatar
Now I see she is still in our KC forum editing more threads see:

The other question left unanswered, do KC moderators go into other local forums and edit their posts?
I wonder if a provider/moderator has access to "The Mens Lounge"? Would seem like a conflict of interest to me.
Omahan's Avatar
As far as I know KC mods never involved themselves in another mods' business. I'm still guessing that this incident was considered time critical.

From the time I started moderating, female mods never had access to the men's forums nor did the male mods have access to women's forums except the owners, and maybe admin.

Bubba would know more about this than anyone in our area. Otherwise you could ask an owner.
kidnitro's Avatar
I think I am beginning to see what is happening here. If I am reading it correctly lacrew_2000 hasn't been on the site since April. CaptainKaos is on his own. No big deal just trying to figure out what the heck! Thanks for hanging in there Captainkaos.
Omahan, thanks for the answers about the mens lounge and lady's lounge or whatever it is called. I had just never thought about that possible conflict before.