Government Shutdown...What Would It Mean For You?

Many of you know that the House is in a deadlock over the federal budget. If they cannot come to a compromise by the end of Friday...the government would essentially shutdown.

If this happens and goes on for a few weeks or many of you would this affect...and will it affect your hobby time?
spaceman181's Avatar
Wont affect me one bit. Send 'em home for a month or 2. Who cares?
the way I see it is if it does shut down, it will save all of us some money.
MisterB's Avatar
Christ.... let'em shut down. Maybe then the army of self important, puffed up, petty bureaucrats will get off my fucking back.
spaceman181's Avatar
Its the mark of the Washington culture that so many politicians and their little minions believe that the federal government is critically necessary and that the country will come to a screeching halt if they arent there to run things. It is incomprehensible to these boobs how incredibly irrelevant they are to those of us who work to pay the bills and the exorbitant taxes that feed their delusions of self-importance.
Desperado's Avatar
In my profession, if the government shuts down and wants me to work for free, then I expect a pretty fat back-pay check.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Its the mark of the Washington culture that so many politicians and their little minions believe that the federal government is critically necessary and that the country will come to a screeching halt if they arent there to run things. It is incomprehensible to these boobs how incredibly irrelevant they are to those of us who work to pay the bills and the exorbitant taxes that feed their delusions of self-importance. Originally Posted by spaceman181
Well said Spaceman and also agree with your first post as well.

Who gives a Flying F!!!
ammonite's Avatar
I pray it shuts down and stays closed. I've never taken anything from the government and never will. I really wish they would stay out of my life, leave me alone, and let me take care of myself.
My feelings may be influenced by the huge check I'll write the IRS next week LOL.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
I pray it shuts down and stays closed. I've never taken anything from the government and never will. I really wish they would stay out of my life, leave me alone, and let me take care of myself.
My feelings may be influenced by the huge check I'll write the IRS next week LOL. Originally Posted by ammonite
I feel your pain, haven't recieved my return back from my CPA, but know I'll be sending them a check as well.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
It will not affect me at all. I am hoping if they shut down there will be no one there to take all that damn tax money every couple of weeks.
oralee's Avatar
Hell, the only time Texas is in trouble is when the Legislature is in session. If the US Congress would just go home for awhile, we'd be much better off nationally!
For me, it will mean no salary -- and, of course, no "play time."

Certain "essential services" will remain in operation. You will all be thrilled to know, that includes the IRS. No joke.
Well, if anyone is waiting for a refund check...good-luck! (lol) I think it stinks that our Military will be the most affected from all this...if it goes on for awhile.
bamatide's Avatar
I guess I'll be working for free. No fun for me for awhile.
PaganGuy's Avatar
I hope they do.. as long as they 86 the real money-sucks and not just the social programs. No bullets.. no jet fuel.. everybody go home now!